Man pages for aklxao2/SDR
Subgroup Discovery Algorithms for R

carTraCar evaluation dataset
carTstCar evaluation dataset
FUGEPSDFuzzy Genetic Programming-based learning for Subgroup...
germanTraGerman Credit data set
germanTstGerman Credit data set
habermanRulesHaberman survival rule set
habermanTraHaberman survival data set
habermanTstHaberman survival data set
MESDIFMultiobjective Evolutionary Subgroup DIscovery Fuzzy rules...
NMEEF_SDNon-dominated Multi-objective Evolutionary algorithm for...
plotRulesPlot a rule set generated by a SDEFSR algorithm
print.SDEFSR_DatasetS3 function to print in console the contents of the dataset...
read.datasetReads a KEEL, ARFF or CSV data format file.
Rule.compatibilityReturn the compatibility degrees of a rule with all instances...
SDEFSRSDEFSR: A package for Subgroup Discovery with Evolutionary...
SDEFSR_DatasetFromDataFrameCreates a 'SDEFSR_Dataset' object from a 'data.frame'
SDEFSR_GUILaunch a web interface for use the algorithms easily.
SDIGASubgroup Discovery Iterative Genetic Algorithm (SDIGA)
sort.SDEFSR_Rules@title Return an ordered rule set by a given quality measure...
sub-.SDEFSR_RulesFilter rules in a 'SDEFSR_Rules' object returning a new...
summary.SDEFSR_DatasetS3 function to summary a SDEFSR_Dataset object
tournamentSelectionPerforms tournament selection for the FuGePSD algorithm
aklxao2/SDR documentation built on May 12, 2019, 5:35 a.m.