Man pages for akreutzmann/fayherriot

AMPLFunction for estimating sigmau2 following Li and Lahiri.
AMPL_YLFunction for estimating sigmau2 following Yoshimori and...
AMRLFunction for estimating sigmau2 following Li and Lahiri.
AMRL_YLFunction for estimating sigmau2 following Yoshimori and... estimators.emdi objects into a dataframe object
as.matrix.estimators.emdiTransforms estimators.emdi objects into a matrix object
combine_dataCombines sample and population data
compareShows plots for the comparison of estimates
compare_fhShows plots for the comparison of direct and model-based...
compare_plotShows plots for the comparison of estimates
compare_plot_ebpShows plots for the comparison of estimates
compare_plot.emdiShows plots for the comparison of estimates
compare_plot_fhShows plots for the comparison of estimates
CV_plotsCV plots
emdiObjectFitted emdiObject
estimatorsPresents point, MSE and CV estimates
estimators.emdiPresents point, MSE and/or CV estimates of an emdiObject
fhStandard Fay-Herriot model for disaggregated indicators
head.estimators.emdiReturns the first part of predicted indicators and, if...
load_shapeaustriaLoading the shape file for austrian districts
map_plotVisualizes regional disaggregrated estimates on a map
MPLFunction for estimating sigmau2 using maximum likelihood.
plot.emdiPlots for an emdi object
print.emdiPrints an emdiObject
print.estimators.emdiPrints estimators.emdi objects
print.summary.emdiPrints a summary.emdi object
RemlFunction for estimating sigmau2 with REML.
subset.estimators.emdiSubsets an estimators.emdi object
summary.emdiSummarizes an emdiObject
tail.estimators.emdiReturns the last part of predicted indicators and, if chosen,...
wrapper_estsigmau2Wrapper function for the estmation of sigmau2
akreutzmann/fayherriot documentation built on Aug. 19, 2019, 12:22 p.m.