  comment = "#>",
  collapse = TRUE,
  cache = TRUE, 

Exercise {-}

Use the microbenchmark package to compare the vectorised construct x = x + 1, to the for loop version. Try varying the size of the input vector.

add_vec = function(x) x + 1
add_for = function(x) {
  for(i in seq_along(x))
    x[i] = x[i] + 1
## Notice the max values!
x = rnorm(10000)
microbenchmark(add_vec(x), add_for(x))

x = rnorm(10)
microbenchmark(add_vec(x), add_for(x))

Exercises {-}

  1. Time the two methods for calculating the log sum. r log_sum_for = function(x) { log_sum = 0 for(i in 1:length(x)) log_sum = log_sum + log(x[i]) log_sum } log_sum_vec = function (x) { sum(log(x)) } x = runif(1000) + 1 microbenchmark(log_sum_for(x), log_sum_vec(x))
  2. What happens when the length(x) = 0, i.e. we have an empty vector?


    Raises an error

    x = c() log(x[0]) ```

Exercise {-}

Verify that monte_carlo_vec() is faster than monte_carlo(). How does this relate to the number of darts, i.e. the size of N, that is used

monte_carlo = function(N) {
  hits = 0
  for (i in seq_len(N)) {
    u1 = runif(1)
    u2 = runif(1)
    if (u1 ^ 2 > u2)
      hits = hits + 1
  return(hits / N)

monte_carlo_vec = function(N) sum(runif(N)^2 > runif(N))/N

n_s = seq(2, 4, length.out=6)
m = matrix(0, ncol=2, nrow = length(n_s))
for(i in seq_along(n_s)) {
  N = 10^(n_s[i])
  z = microbenchmark(monte_carlo(N), monte_carlo_vec(N), unit = "ms")
  z$time = z$time/10^9
  m[i,] = tapply(z$time, z$expr, mean)

plot(10^n_s, m[,1]/m[,2], log="x", type="l")

Exercises {-}

The stop() function has an argument call. that indicates if the function call should be part of the error message. Create a function and experiment with this option.

f = function(call = FALSE)
    stop("An error has occured", call. = call)

#R> f(TRUE)
# Error in f(TRUE) : An error has occured
#R> f(FALSE)
# Error: An error has occured

Exercise {-}

Factors are slightly more space efficient than characters. Create a character vector and corresponding factor and use pryr::object_size() to calculate the space needed for each object.

ch = sample(, 1e6, replace = TRUE)
fac = factor(ch, levels =

Exercises {-}

  1. Rewrite the sapply() function calls above using vapply() to ensure type consistency. ```r two_cols = data.frame(x = 1:5, y = letters[1:5]) zero_cols = data.frame() vapply(two_cols, class, FUN.VALUE = "character") # a list vapply(zero_cols, class, FUN.VALUE = "character") # a list
1. How would you make subsetting data frames with `[` type consistent? Hint: look at
the `drop` argument.
    two_cols[, 1:2, drop=FALSE]          # a data.frame
    two_cols[, 1, drop=FALSE]          

#### Exercise {-}

Construct a box plot of timings for the standard plotting function and the memoised


Exercise {-}

  1. Write a stop-watch function without using function closures.

    This is quite hard. The solution below uses reference classes. These are objects that are a combination of S4 objects and functions closures. ```r stop_watch = setRefClass("stop_watch", fields=list(start_time="POSIXt")) stop_watch$methods( list( start = function() { start_time <<- Sys.time() }, stop = function() { stop_time = Sys.time() difftime(stop_time, start_time) } ) )

    watch = stop_watch$new() watch$start() watch$stop() ```

  2. Many stop-watches have the ability to measure not only your overall time but also you individual laps. Add a lap() function to the stop_watch() function that will record individual times, while still keeping track of the overall time.

    ```r stop_watch = function() { start_time = NULL lap_time = NULL

    start = function() { start_time <<- Sys.time() lap_time <<- start_time } stop = function() { stop_time = Sys.time() difftime(stop_time, start_time) } lap = function() { old_lap = lap_time lap_time <<- Sys.time() difftime(lap_time, old_lap) } list(start = start, stop = stop, lap = lap) } watch = stop_watch() watch$start() watch$lap() watch$stop() ```

akrmenec/efficient-R documentation built on May 28, 2019, 4:53 p.m.