Exercises {-}

  1. What are the three most important work 'chunks' of your current R project?

    This exercise is an open question designed to make you think about how your projects can be divided into distinct sections. Typical chunks include data cleaning, modelling, visualisation and write-up. Different skill-sets, staff or even teams can be allocated to each, mirroring the division in web developers between 'front-end' and 'back-end' work. Note that in specifying such a division of labour there is not an attempt to imply value judgements about the relative importance of each chunk.

  2. What is the meaning of 'SMART' objectives (see Making your workflow SMART).

    SMART in this context refers to objectives that are Specific, Measurable, Acheivable (or Assigned), Realistic and Time-bound.

  3. Run the code chunk at the end of this section to see the output.

    The output should be the same as presented in the book.

  4. Bonus exercise: modify this code to create a basic Gantt chart of an R project you are working on.

    The results depend on your project.

akrmenec/efficient-R documentation built on May 28, 2019, 4:53 p.m.