Exercises {-}

The following two exercises aim to help you determine if it is worthwhile upgrading your RAM.

  1. R loads everything into memory, i.e. your computers RAM. How much RAM does your computer you have?

    The benchmarkme package provides a function for obtaining the amount of RAM on your system: r benchmarkme::get_ram()

  2. Using your preferred search engine, how much does it cost to double the amount of available RAM on your system?

    16GB of RAM costs around £90/$110.

Exercises {-}

These exercises aim to condense the previous section into the key points.

  1. Are you using $32$-bit or $64$-bit version of R?

    An easy of to tell is to look at .Machine$sizeof.pointer: r if(.Machine$sizeof.pointer == 8) 64 else 32 2. If you are using Windows, what are the results of running the command memory.limit()?

Exercise {-}

To assess whether you should consider cloud computing, how much does it cost to rent a machine comparable to your laptop in the cloud?

akrmenec/efficient-R documentation built on May 28, 2019, 4:53 p.m.