Man pages for alanarnholt/BSDA
Basic Statistics and Data Analysis

AbbeyDaily price returns (in pence) of Abbey National shares...
AbcThree samples to illustrate analysis of variance
AbileneCrimes reported in Abilene, Texas
AbilityPerceived math ability for 13-year olds by gender
AbortionAbortion rate by region of country
AbsentNumber of absent days for 20 employees
AchieveMath achievement test scores by gender for 25 high school...
AdsalesNumber of ads versus number of sales for a retailer of...
AggressAgressive tendency scores for a group of teenage members of a...
AidMonthly payments per person for families in the AFDC federal...
AidsIncubation times for 295 patients thought to be infected with...
AirdisastersAircraft disasters in five different decades
AirlinePercentage of on-time arrivals and number of complaints for...
AlcoholAges at which 14 female alcoholics began drinking
AllergyAllergy medicines by adverse events
AnesthetRecovery times for anesthetized patients
AnxietyMath test scores versus anxiety scores before the test
ApolipopLevel of apolipoprotein B and number of cups of coffee...
AppendMedian costs of an appendectomy at 20 hospitals in North...
AppendecMedian costs of appendectomies at three different types of...
AptitudeAptitude test scores versus productivity in a factory
ArchaeoRadiocarbon ages of observations taken from an archaeological...
ArthritiTime of relief for three treatments of arthritis
ArtificiDurations of operation for 15 artificial heart transplants
AsprinDissolving time versus level of impurities in aspirin tablets
AsthmatiAsthmatic relief index on nine subjects given a drug and a...
AttorneyNumber of convictions reported by U.S. attorney's offices
AutogearNumber of defective auto gears produced by two manufacturers
BacktobackIllustrates inferences based on pooled t-test versus Wilcoxon...
BbsalariesBaseball salaries for members of five major league teams
BigtenGraduation rates for student athletes and nonathletes in the...
BiologyTest scores on first exam in biology class
BirthLive birth rates in 1990 and 1998 for all states
BlackeduEducation level of blacks by gender
BloodBlood pressure of 15 adult males taken by machine and by an...
BoardIncomes of board members from three different universities
BonesBone density measurements of 35 physically active and 35...
BooksNumber of books read and final spelling scores for 17 third...
BookstorPrices paid for used books at three different bookstores
BrainBrain weight versus body weight of 28 animals
BumpersRepair costs of vehicles crashed into a barrier at 5 miles...
BusAttendance of bus drivers versus shift
BypassMedian charges for coronary bypass at 17 hospitals in North...
CabinetsEstimates of costs of kitchen cabinets by two suppliers on 20...
CancerSurvival times of terminal cancer patients treated with...
CarbonCarbon monoxide level measured at three industrial sites
CatReading scores on the California achievement test for a group...
CensoredEntry age and survival time of patients with small cell lung...
ChallengTemperatures and O-ring failures for the launches of the...
ChemistStarting salaries of 50 chemistry majors
ChesapeaSurface salinity measurements taken offshore from Annapolis,...
ChevyInsurance injury ratings of Chevrolet vehicles for 1990 and...
ChickenWeight gain of chickens fed three different rations
ChipavgMeasurements of the thickness of the oxide layer of...
ChipsFour measurements on a first wafer and four measurements on a...
CigarMilligrams of tar in 25 cigarettes selected randomly from 4...
CigarettEffect of mother's smoking on birth weight of newborn
CIsimConfidence Interval Simulation Program
CitrusPercent of peak bone density of different aged children
CleanResidual contaminant following the use of three different...
CoaxialSignal loss from three types of coxial cable
CoffeeProductivity of workers with and without a coffee break
CoinsYearly returns on 12 investments
CommuteCommuting times for selected cities in 1980 and 1990
ConceptTennessee self concept scale scores for a group of teenage...
ConcreteCompressive strength of concrete blocks made by two different...
CornComparison of the yields of a new variety and a standard...
CorrelatExercise to illustrate correlation
CounselScores of 18 volunteers who participated in a counseling...
CpiConsumer price index from 1979 to 1998
CrimeViolent crime rates for the states in 1983 and 1993
DarwinCharles Darwin's study of cross-fertilized and...
DealersAutomobile dealers classified according to type dealership...
DefectivNumber of defective items produced by 20 employees
DegreePercent of bachelor's degrees awarded women in 1970 versus...
DelayDelay times on 20 flights from four major air carriers
DependNumber of dependent children for 50 families
DetroitEducational levels of a sample of 40 auto workers in Detroit
DevelopDemographic characteristics of developmental students at...
DevmathTest scores for students who failed developmental mathematics...
DiceOutcomes and probabilities of the roll of a pair of fair dice
DieselDiesel fuel prices in 1999-2000 in nine regions of the...
DiplomatParking tickets issued to diplomats
DisposalToxic intensity for manufacturing plants producing herbicidal...
DogsRankings of the favorite breeds of dogs
DomesticRates of domestic violence per 1,000 women by age groups
DopamineDopamine b-hydroxylase activity of schizophrenic patients...
DowjonesClosing yearend Dow Jones Industrial averages from 1896...
DrinkOpinion on referendum by view on moral issue of selling...
DrugNumber of trials to master a task for a group of 28 subjects...
DyslexiaData on a group of college students diagnosed with dyslexia
EarthqkOne hundred year record of worldwide seismic...
EDAExploratory Data Anaalysis
EducatCrime rates versus the percent of the population without a...
EggsNumber of eggs versus amounts of feed supplement
ElderlyPercent of the population over the age of 65
EnergyAmount of energy consumed by homes versus their sizes
EngineerSalaries after 10 years for graduates of three different...
EntranceCollege entrance exam scores for 24 high school seniors
EpaminicompactFuel efficiency ratings for compact vehicles in 2001
EpatwoseaterFuel efficiency ratings for two-seater vehicles in 2001
ExecutivAges of 25 executives
ExerciseWeight loss for 30 members of an exercise program
FabricMeasures of softness of ten different clothing garments...
FaithfulWaiting times between successive eruptions of the Old...
FamilySize of family versus cost per person per week for groceries
Ferraro1Choice of presidental ticket in 1984 by gender
Ferraro2Choice of vice presidental candidate in 1984 by gender
FertilityFertility rates of all 50 states and DC
FirstchiAges of women at the birth of their first child
FishLength and number of fish caught with small and large mesh...
FitnessNumber of sit-ups before and after a physical fitness course
Florida2000Florida voter results in the 2000 presidential election
FluidBreakdown times of an insulating fluid under various levels...
FoodAnnual food expenditures for 40 single households in Ohio
FraminghCholesterol values of 62 subjects in the Framingham Heart...
FreshmanAges of a random sample of 30 college freshmen
FuneralCost of funeral by region of country
GalaxieVelocities of 82 galaxies in the Corona Borealis region
GallupResults of a Gallup poll on possession of marijuana as a...
GasolinePrice of regular unleaded gasoline obtained from 25 service...
GermanNumber of errors in copying a German passage before and after...
GolfDistances a golf ball can be driven by 20 professional...
GovernorAnnual salaries for state governors in 1994 and 1999
GpaHigh school GPA versus college GPA
GradesTest grades in a beginning statistics class
GraduateGraduation rates for student athletes in the Southeastern...
GreenrivVarve thickness from a sequence through an Eocene lake...
Grnriv2Thickness of a varved section of the Green river oil shale...
GroupabcGroup data to illustrate analysis of variance
GroupsAn illustration of analysis of variance
GymChildren's age versus number of completed gymnastic...
HabitsStudy habits of students in two matched school districts
HaptogloHaptoglobin concentration in blood serum of 8 healthy adults
HardwareDaily receipts for a small hardware store for 31 working days
HardwoodTensile strength of Kraft paper for different percentages of...
HeatPrimary heating sources of homes on indian reservations...
HeatingFuel efficiency ratings for three types of oil heaters
HodgkinResults of treatments for Hodgkin's disease
HomesMedian prices of single-family homes in 65 metropolitan...
HomeworkNumber of hours per week spent on homework for private and...
HondaMiles per gallon for a Honda Civic on 35 different occasions
HostileHostility levels of high school students from rural,...
HousingMedian home prices for 1984 and 1993 in 37 markets across the...
HurricanNumber of storms, hurricanes and El Nino effects from 1950...
IcebergNumber of icebergs sighted each month south of Newfoundland...
IncomePercent change in personal income from 1st to 2nd quarter in...
IndependentIllustrates a comparison problem for long-tailed...
IndianEducational attainment versus per capita income and poverty...
IndiapolAverage miles per hour for the winners of the Indianapolis...
Indy500Qualifying miles per hour and number of previous starts for...
InflatioPrivate pay increase of salaried employees versus inflation...
InletoilInlet oil temperature through a valve
InmateType of drug offense by race
InspectPercent of vehicles passing inspection by type inspection...
InsulateHeat loss through a new insulating medium
IqgpaGPA versus IQ for 12 individuals
IrisesR.A. Fishers famous data on Irises
JdpowerNumber of problems reported per 100 cars in 1994 versus 1995s
JobsatJob satisfaction and stress level for 9 school teachers
KidsmokeSmoking habits of boys and girls ages 12 to 18
KilowattRates per kilowatt-hour for each of the 50 states and DC
KinderReading scores for first grade children who attended...
LaminectMedian costs of laminectomies at hospitals across North...
LeadLead levels in children's blood whose parents worked in a...
LeaderLeadership exam scores by age for employees on an industrial...
LethalSurvival time of mice injected with an experimental lethal...
LifeLife expectancy of men and women in U.S.
LifespanLife span of electronic components used in a spacecraft...
LigntmonthRelationship between damage reports and deaths caused by...
LodgeMeasured traffic at three prospective locations for a motor...
LongtailLong-tailed distributions to illustrate Kruskal Wallis test
LowabilReading skills of 24 matched low ability students
MagnesiuMagnesium concentration and distances between samples
MalpractAmounts awarded in 17 malpractice cases
ManagerAdvertised salaries offered general managers of major...
MarkedPercent of marked cars in 65 police departments in Florida
MathStandardized math test scores for 30 students
MathcompStandardized math competency for a group of entering freshmen...
MathproMath proficiency and SAT scores by states
MazeError scores for four groups of experimental animals running...
MedianIllustrates test of equality of medians with the Kruskal...
MentalMedian mental ages of 16 girls
MercuryConcentration of mercury in 25 lake trout
MetrentMonthly rental costs in metro areas with 1 million or more...
MillerMiller personality test scores for a group of college...
Miller1Twenty scores on the Miller personality test
MoistureMoisture content and depth of core sample for marine muds in...
MonoxideCarbon monoxide emitted by smoke stacks of a manufacturer and...
MovieMoral attitude scale on 15 subjects before and after viewing...
MusicImprovement scores for identical twins taught music...
NameEstimated value of a brand name product and the conpany's...
NascarEfficiency of pit crews for three major NASCAR teams
NervousReaction effects of 4 drugs on 25 subjects with a nervous...
NewsstandDaily profits for 20 newsstands
Nfldraf2Rating, time in 40-yard dash, and weight of top defensive...
NfldraftRating, time in 40-yard dash, and weight of top offensive...
NicotineNicotine content versus sales for eight major brands of...
normareaNormal Area
nsizeRequired Sample Size
ntesterNormality Tester
OrangePrice of oranges versus size of the harvest
OriolesSalaries of members of the Baltimore Orioles baseball team
OxytocinArterial blood pressure of 11 subjects before and after...
ParentedEducation backgrounds of parents of entering freshmen at a...
PatrolYears of experience and number of tickets given by...
PearsonKarl Pearson's data on heights of brothers and sisters
PhoneLength of long-distance phone calls for a small business firm
PoisonNumber of poisonings reported to 16 poison control centers
PoliticPolitical party and gender in a voting district
PollutioAir pollution index for 15 randomly selected days for a major...
PorosityPorosity measurements on 20 samples of Tensleep Sandstone,...
PovertyPercent poverty and crime rate for selected cities
PrecinctRobbery rates versus percent low income in eight precincts
PrejudicRacial prejudice measured on a sample of 25 high school...
PresidenAges at inauguration and death of U.S. presidents
PressDegree of confidence in the press versus education level for...
PrognostKlopfer's prognostic rating scale for subjects receiving...
ProgramEffects of four different methods of programmed learning for...
PsatPSAT scores versus SAT scores
PsychCorrect responses for 24 students in a psychology experiment
PuertoWeekly incomes of a random sample of 50 Puerto Rican families...
QuailPlasma LDL levels in two groups of quail
QualityQuality control test scores on two manufacturing processes
RainksRainfall in an area of west central Kansas and four...
RanddResearch and development expenditures and sales of a large...
RatSurvival times of 20 rats exposed to high levels of radiation
RatingsGrade point averages versus teacher's ratings
ReactionThreshold reaction time for persons subjected to emotional...
ReadingStandardized reading scores for 30 fifth graders
ReadiqReading scores versus IQ scores
ReferendOpinion on referendum by view on freedom of the press
RegionPollution index taken in three regions of the country
RegisterMaintenance cost versus age of cash registers in a department...
RehabRehabilitative potential of 20 prison inmates as judged by...
RemedialMath placement test score for 35 freshmen females and 42...
RentalsWeekly rentals for 45 apartments
RepairRecorded times for repairing 22 automobiles involved in...
RetailLength of employment versus gross sales for 10 employees of a...
Ronbrown1Oceanography data obtained at site 1 by scientist aboard the...
Ronbrown2Oceanography data obtained at site 2 by scientist aboard the...
RuralSocial adjustment scores for a rural group and a city group...
SalaryStarting salaries for 25 new PhD psychologist
SalinitySurface-water salinity measurements from Whitewater Bay,...
SatSAT scores, percent taking exam and state funding per student...
SavingProblem asset ration for savings and loan companies in...
ScalesReadings obtained from a 100 pound weight placed on four...
Schizop2Exam scores for 17 patients to assess the learning ability of...
SchizophStandardized exam scores for 13 patients to investigate the...
SeatbeltInjury level versus seatbelt usage
SelfdefeSelf-confidence scores for 9 women before and after...
SeniorReaction times of 30 senior citizens applying for drivers...
SentenceSentences of 41 prisoners convicted of a homicide offense
ShkdrugEffects of a drug and electroshock therapy on the ability to...
ShockEffect of experimental shock on time to complete difficult...
ShopliftSales receipts versus shoplifting losses for a department...
ShortJames Short's measurements of the parallax of the sun
ShuttleNumber of people riding shuttle versus number of automobiles...
SIGN.testSign Test
SimpsonGrade point averages of men and women participating in...
SitupMaximum number of situps by participants in an exercise class
SkewedIllustrates the Wilcoxon Rank Sum test
SkinSurvival times of closely and poorly matched skin grafts on...
SlcSodium-lithium countertransport activity on 190 individuals...
SmokyphWater pH levels of 75 water samples taken in the Great Smoky...
SnoreSnoring versus heart disease
SnowConcentration of microparticles in snowfields of Greenland...
SoccerWeights of 25 soccer players
SocialMedian income level for 25 social workers from North Carolina
SophomorGrade point averages, SAT scores and final grade in college...
SouthMurder rates for 30 cities in the South
SpeedSpeed reading scores before and after a course on speed...
SpellersStandardized spelling test scores for two fourth grade...
SpellingSpelling scores for 9 eighth graders before and after a...
SportsFavorite sport by gender
SpouseConvictions in spouse murder cases by gender
SRSSimple Random Sampling
StableTimes of a 2-year old stallion on a one mile run
StampThicknesses of 1872 Hidalgo stamps issued in Mexico
StatclasGrades for two introductory statistics classes
StatelawOperating expenditures per resident for each of the state law...
StatistiTest scores for two beginning statistics classes
StepSTEP science test scores for a class of ability-grouped...
StressShort-term memory test scores on 12 subjects before and after...
StudyNumber of hours studied per week by a sample of 50 freshmen
SubmarinNumber of German submarines sunk by U.S. Navy in World War II
SubwayTime it takes a subway to travel from the airport to downtown
SunspotWolfer sunspot numbers from 1700 through 2000
SuperbowlMargin of victory in Superbowls I to XXXV
SupercarTop speeds attained by five makes of supercars
TablrockOzone concentrations at Mt. Mitchell, North Carolina
TeacherAverage teacher's salaries across the states in the 70s 80s...
TennessTennessee self concept scores for 20 gifted high school...
TensileTensile strength of plastic bags from two production runs
Test1Grades on the first test in a statistics class
ThermalHeat loss of thermal pane windows versus outside temperature
Tiaa1999-2000 closing prices for TIAA-CREF stocks
TicketTime to complete an airline ticket reservation
ToasterConsumer Reports (Oct 94) rating of toaster ovens versus the...
TonsilsSize of tonsils collected from 1,398 children
TortThe number of torts, average number of months to process a...
ToxicHazardous waste sites near minority communities
TrackNational Olympic records for women in several races
Track15Olympic winning times for the men's 1500-meter run
TreatmentsIllustrates analysis of variance for three treatment groups
TreesNumber of trees in 20 grids
TrucksMiles per gallon for standard 4-wheel drive trucks...
tsum.testSummarized t-test
TvPercent of students that watch more than 6 hours of TV per...
TwinIntelligence test scores for identical twins in which one...
UndergradData set describing a sample of undergraduate students
VacationNumber of days of paid holidays and vacation leave for sample...
VaccineReported serious reactions due to vaccines in 11 southern...
VehicleFatality ratings for foreign and domestic vehicles
VerbalVerbal test scores and number of library books checked out...
VictoriaNumber of sunspots versus mean annual level of Lake Victoria...
ViscositViscosity measurements of a substance on two different days
VisualVisual acuity of a group of subjects tested under a specified...
VocabReading scores before and after vocabulary training for 14...
WastewatVolume of injected waste water from Rocky Mountain Arsenal...
Weather94Weather casualties in 1994
WheatPrice of a bushel of wheat versus the national weekly...
WindmillDirect current produced by different wind velocities
WindowWind leakage for storm windows exposed to a 50 mph wind
WinsBaseball team wins versus seven independent variables for...
WoolStrength tests of two types of wool fabric
YearsunspotMonthly sunspot activity from 1974 to 2000
zsum.testSummarized z-test
alanarnholt/BSDA documentation built on Sept. 15, 2023, 4:55 a.m.