#' fstmatrix
#' Calculate cultural FST across multiple groups
#' @usage fstmatrix(d, matrixtype = NULL)
#' @param d A matrix where the first column is sample size, and the second column is trait frequency. Ideally, the row names are group identifiers.
#' @param matrixtype If unspecified, this function will return a full group x group square matrix. If "upper", this returns an upper triangular matrix, "lower" returns a lower traiangular matrix.
#' @return This function returns the Cultural FST value across multiple groups.
#' @keywords fstmatrix
#' @note
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # across 8 groups, we have sample size, and total number of participants who listed things coded as "moral" when asked to list things that anger a locally-respected god
#' data(moralgod)
#' fstmatrix(moralgod)
#' fstdist <- as.dist(fstmatrix(moralgod, matrixtype = "lower"))
#' plot(hclust(fstdist), ylab = NA, xlab = NA, main = NA) # dendrogram
cultFST <- function(ni, nj, xi, xj){
pi <- xi/ni
pj <- xj/nj
pbar <- (xi + xj)/(ni + nj)
num <- (ni/(ni + nj))*(pi - pbar)^2 + (nj/(ni + nj))*(pj - pbar)^2
denom <- pbar*(1 - pbar)
FST <- num/denom
fstmatrix <- function(d, matrixtype = NULL) {
m <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(d), ncol = nrow(d))
rownames(m) <- colnames(m) <- rownames(d)
for(i in 1:nrow(m)) {
for(j in 1:ncol(m)) {
m[i, j] <- cultFST(d[i, 1], d[j, 1], d[i, 2], d[j, 2])
if(!is.null(matrixtype)) {
if(matrixtype == "upper") {
m[lower.tri(m)] <- 0
if(matrixtype == "lower") {
m[upper.tri(m)] <- 0
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