Man pages for alburezg/EGM
EGM Data from Rio Negro and Functions for Analysing It

age_group_customCreate age groups
censusCensus of genealogical data
completionCompletion rates
EGMEGM: Supplementary data and functions
finalEGM-generated genealogical dataset of Rio Negro...
gen_depthGenerational depth.
get_pedigreeGet pedigree object from EGM data
ind.qEGM-generated genealogical dataset of Rio Negro (with...
kin_as_netCreate kinship network
paradataContextual information on EGM interviews.
pseudo_censusConduct 'pseudo-census' of EGM data
theme_dagPersonalised style for ggplot
whippleWhipple index
yearly_netsTime-variant family size in Rio Negro.
alburezg/EGM documentation built on May 28, 2019, 12:20 p.m.