cacheflow – R package for simple cached workflow with diagram bonus

Aleksander Rutkowski 2021-08-24


See convenience wrappers do() and do_().

Example usage:

do(mean, x=1:10)
# is an equivalent of
.mean <- cachedCall(mean, x=1:10)

do_(mean, x=1:10)
# is an equivalent of
.mean <- cachedCallConcur(mean, x=1:10)

So, the demo example below could be simplified:

# Original code:
    hundred <- 1:100
    F1 <- cachedCall(f1, vec=hundred, val=3) # <-- explicitly named returned value F1
    F2 <- cachedCall(f2, F1)                 # <-- explicitly named returned value F2
    Res3 <- extractVal(cachedCall(f3, val1=F2, val2=50))

# Simplified code:
    hundred <- 1:100
    do(f1, vec=hundred, val=3) # <-- implicit returned value .f1
    do(f2, .f1)                # <-- implicit returned value .f2
    Res3 <- extractVal(cachedCall(f3, val1=.f2, val2=50))




Often an R script is re-run with only some of the parts modified. With cacheflow, the function changes and the argument changes are all automatically detected and only the necessary re-evaluations are done. If there is no change in the function definition or in its arguments, it does not make sense to load and pass the cached value – it is sufficient to pass downstream only the informaion that the value is the same without extracting the value itself. This kind of automatic lazy re-evaluation is particularly useful if there are long, chained, and complicated workflows. In such workflows, it is cumbersome and risky to track manually which functions/inputs/arguments have changed and which parts of the script should be re-evaluated. It’s easier to trigger the re-run of the whole script and let the computer do the to comparison with the cached results to the previous runs to avoid the unnecessary and costly re-evaluations.

Goal: re-run your whole R scripts efficiently, only with necessary re-evaluations

Automatic caching => no need for manual selections and re-runs of code chunks => saving human time and machine time. And lower error risk.

Inspiration: remake

But cacheflow is simpler – pure R script/code, no need for external non-R files such as YAML, no cognitive switching cost. With its functional syntax, R seems to be a much better workflow description language. Your R code/script is your workflow!


Assuming that your workflow consists of many functions, most of which are

it makes sense to re-evaluate only if


cacheflow is simple – it caches the necessary information on disk, in the working directory, so it:





# Always remember to set your working directory
# in the beginning of your workflow!
setwd('//ci1homes11/homes095/rutkoal/R files/cacheflow-gh')
library(magrittr) # for the pipe operator %>%
# Create the necessary subdirectories in your working directory (only once)
## "E:/cacheflow/.cache.db" has been created.

## "E:/cacheflow/.cache.gv" has been created.
# Let's pretend we have 3 complicated pure functions
# each consuming some time when re-evaluated:
f1 <- function(vec, val) { 
    vec + val
f2 <- function(vec) {
f3 <- function(val1, val2) {
system.time(Res1 <- 1:100 %>%
                cachedCall(f1, vec=., val=3) %>%
                cachedCall(f2, .) %>%
                cachedCall(f3, val1=., val2=50) %>%
## 2021-08-24 12:19:51 [f1] (re-)evaluating...

## 2021-08-24 12:19:51 [f1] saving to cache...

## 2021-08-24 12:19:52 [f2] (re-)evaluating...

## 2021-08-24 12:19:52 [f2] saving to cache...

## 2021-08-24 12:19:53 [f3] (re-)evaluating...

## 2021-08-24 12:19:53 [f3] saving to cache...

##    user  system elapsed 
##    0.02    0.00    3.10
system.time(Res2 <- 1:100 %>%
                cachedCall(f1, vec=., val=3) %>%
                cachedCall(f2, .) %>%
                cachedCall(f3, val1=., val2=50) %>%
## 2021-08-24 12:19:54 [f1] no re-evaluation needed.

## 2021-08-24 12:19:54 [f2] no re-evaluation needed.

## 2021-08-24 12:19:54 [f3] no re-evaluation needed.

##    user  system elapsed 
##    0.03    0.00    0.03
# The same workflow but without the pipe operator and not timed
    hundred <- 1:100
    F1 <- cachedCall(f1, vec=hundred, val=3)
    F2 <- cachedCall(f2, F1)
    Res3 <- extractVal(cachedCall(f3, val1=F2, val2=50))
## 2021-08-24 12:19:54 [f1] no re-evaluation needed.

## 2021-08-24 12:19:54 [f2] no re-evaluation needed.

## 2021-08-24 12:19:54 [f3] no re-evaluation needed.
Res1 == Res2
## [1] TRUE
Res2 == Res3
## [1] TRUE
# Just that function (f3) is re-evaluated due to a change in
# the value of one of the args i.e. val2 (if there were further
# steps beyond f3, they would be also re-evaluated):
system.time(1:100 %>%
                cachedCall(f1, vec=., val=3) %>%
                cachedCall(f2, .) %>%
                cachedCall(f3, val1=., val2=100) %>%
## 2021-08-24 12:19:54 [f1] no re-evaluation needed.

## 2021-08-24 12:19:54 [f2] no re-evaluation needed.

## 2021-08-24 12:19:54 [f3] (re-)evaluating...

## 2021-08-24 12:19:54 [f3] saving to cache...

##    user  system elapsed 
##    0.00    0.00    1.04
# Of course, a modification of a function also triggers re-evaluation
# of the modified and the subsequent (dependent) step(s):
f2 <- function(vec) {
system.time(1:100 %>%
                cachedCall(f1, vec=., val=3) %>%
                cachedCall(f2, .) %>%
                cachedCall(f3, val1=., val2=100) %>%
## 2021-08-24 12:19:55 [f1] no re-evaluation needed.

## 2021-08-24 12:19:55 [f2] (re-)evaluating...

## 2021-08-24 12:19:55 [f2] saving to cache...

## 2021-08-24 12:19:56 [f3] (re-)evaluating...

## 2021-08-24 12:19:56 [f3] saving to cache...

##    user  system elapsed 
##    0.00    0.02    2.07
# Paths to files need to be wrapped in File()
# when used as arguments inside cachedCall
# (so that possible changes in the contents
# of the files are assessed instead of the
# changes in the paths):
tmpf <- tempfile()
    file=tmpf, sep='\n')
f4 <- function(filepath) {
system.time(ResA <-
                cachedCall(f4, File(tmpf)) %>%
## 2021-08-24 12:19:57 [f4] (re-)evaluating...

## 2021-08-24 12:19:57 [f4] saving to cache...

##    user  system elapsed 
##    0.00    0.00    1.03
tmpf2 <- tempfile()
file.copy(tmpf, tmpf2)
## [1] TRUE
system.time(ResB <-
                cachedCall(f4, File(tmpf2)) %>%
## 2021-08-24 12:19:58 [f4] no re-evaluation needed.

##    user  system elapsed 
##       0       0       0
identical(ResA, ResB)
## [1] TRUE
# Re-evaluated when the file modified:
    file=tmpf, sep='\n')
system.time(cachedCall(f4, File(tmpf)) %>%
## 2021-08-24 12:19:58 [f4] (re-)evaluating...

## 2021-08-24 12:19:58 [f4] saving to cache...

##    user  system elapsed 
##    0.00    0.01    1.03

Concurrent (async) calls

# Let's pretend we have 3 complicated pure functions
# each consuming some time when re-evaluated:
z1 <- function(v1, v2) { 
    v1 + v2
z2 <- function(vec) {
z3 <- function(val1, val2) {
# With `cachedCallConcur` we can evaluate `z1` and `z2`
# concurrently:
    zz1 <- cachedCallConcur(z1, 1, 2)
    zz2 <- cachedCallConcur(z2, 1:10)
    # No concurrency here, because this is the final value
    # so we need to wait for the results anyway:
    zz3 <- cachedCall(z3, zz1, zz2)
## 2021-08-24 12:19:59 [z1] (re-)evaluating concurrently...

## 2021-08-24 12:20:00 [z2] (re-)evaluating concurrently...

## 2021-08-24 12:20:00 [z3] (re-)evaluating...

## 2021-08-24 12:20:00 [z3] saving to cache...

##    user  system elapsed 
##    0.14    0.02    6.13
# The waiting time is ca. 5s (plus the time needed for
# saving inputs for Rscript and opening Rscript)
# instead of 5s + 5s.

Using simple wrappers to avoid redundant typing: auto-assignment in place

do(mean, x=1:10) # is an equivalent of:
## 2021-08-24 12:20:06 [mean] (re-)evaluating...

## 2021-08-24 12:20:06 [mean] saving to cache...
.mean <- cachedCall(mean, x=1:10)
## 2021-08-24 12:20:06 [mean] no re-evaluation needed.
do_(sum, 1:10) # is an equivalent of `cachedCallConcur` below:
## 2021-08-24 12:20:06 [sum] (re-)evaluating concurrently...
Sys.sleep(1) # just to make sure the concurrent call is completed
.sum <- cachedCallConcur(sum, 1:10)
## 2021-08-24 12:20:07 [sum] no re-evaluation needed.
# then use .mean or .sum as input arguments in the subsequent
# cached calls (simple or concurrent), e.g.:
do(max, .mean, .sum) # which is an equivalent of:
## 2021-08-24 12:20:07 [max] (re-)evaluating...

## 2021-08-24 12:20:07 [max] saving to cache...
.max <- cachedCall(max, .mean, .sum)
## 2021-08-24 12:20:07 [max] no re-evaluation needed.

Drawing diagrams

# Let's touch the first function to trigger re-evaluations
f1 <- sum
withGraph(1:100 %>%
              cachedCall(f1, vec=., val=3) %>%
              cachedCall(f2, .) %>%
              cachedCall(f3, val1=., val2=50)) %>%
## 2021-08-24 12:20:07 [f1] (re-)evaluating...

## 2021-08-24 12:20:07 [f1] saving to cache...

## 2021-08-24 12:20:07 [f2] (re-)evaluating...

## 2021-08-24 12:20:07 [f2] saving to cache...

## 2021-08-24 12:20:08 [f3] (re-)evaluating...

## 2021-08-24 12:20:08 [f3] saving to cache...

# Now the same but with named values and no pipes
ResY <- withGraph({
    hundred <- 1:100
    F1 <- cachedCall(f1, vec=hundred, val=3)
    F2 <- cachedCall(f2, F1)
    ResX <- cachedCall(f3, val1=F2, val2=50)
## 2021-08-24 12:20:10 [f1] no re-evaluation needed.

## 2021-08-24 12:20:10 [f2] (re-)evaluating...

## 2021-08-24 12:20:10 [f2] saving to cache...

## 2021-08-24 12:20:11 [f3] (re-)evaluating...

## 2021-08-24 12:20:11 [f3] saving to cache...
## CachedWorkflow
## It can be drawn as a diagram with function `plot`.
## The returned value:

## [1] 33.68667
## The number of function calls in the
## CachedWorkflow made with `cachedCall`:

##    cached evaluated     total 
##         1         2         3
## [1] 33.68667
# Compare with the previous version -- no reds because
# there were no re-evaluations

Diagrams in a parallel setting

# Using `cacheflow` together with the package `parallel`
# Here's a contrived tivial example for simplicity
cl <- detectCores() %>% makeCluster
clusterEvalQ(cl, library(cacheflow))
pRes <- withGraph({

    makeGraphAware(cl) # this is needed!

    pairs <- data.frame(a=1:4,
                        b=101:104) %>%
    # each R instance to be fed with a pair of a and b
    # e.g. the first R instance gets a=1 and b=101
    # the second one gets a=2 and b=102, etc.

    P <- parLapply(cl,
                       cachedCall(`+`, x$a, x$b))

    B <- cachedCall(`-`, 30, 12)

    Z <- c(P, list(B)), c(sum, Z))
## 2021-08-24 12:20:15 [-] (re-)evaluating...

## 2021-08-24 12:20:15 [-] saving to cache...

## 2021-08-24 12:20:15 [.Primitive("sum")] (re-)evaluating...

## 2021-08-24 12:20:15 [.Primitive("sum")] saving to cache...
## CachedWorkflow
## It can be drawn as a diagram with function `plot`.
## The returned value:

## [1] 438
## The number of function calls in the
## CachedWorkflow made with `cachedCall`:

##    cached evaluated     total 
##         0         6         6

# The same parallel example but with
# a trick: using `bquote` to see in the diagram
# the actual values passed to `cachedCall`
# inside the anonymous function
cl <- detectCores() %>% makeCluster
clusterEvalQ(cl, library(cacheflow))
pRes <- withGraph({

    makeGraphAware(cl) # this is needed!

    pairs <- data.frame(a=1:4,
                        b=101:104) %>%

    P <- parLapply(cl,
                   function(x) # see the difference here:

    B <- cachedCall(`-`, 30, 12)

    Z <- c(P, list(B)), c(sum, Z))
## 2021-08-24 12:20:18 [-] no re-evaluation needed.

## 2021-08-24 12:20:18 [.Primitive("sum")] no re-evaluation needed.
## CachedWorkflow
## It can be drawn as a diagram with function `plot`.
## The returned value:

## CachedResult
## Its value can be extracted with function `extractVal`.
## The number of function calls in the
## CachedWorkflow made with `cachedCall`:

##    cached evaluated     total 
##         6         0         6
# The L next to the numbers means
# a standard (long) integer in R, see
# help(NumericConstants)

alekrutkowski/cacheflow documentation built on Sept. 3, 2021, 7:10 p.m.