Man pages for alex-www-marketing/ryandexdirect_edit
Load data from Yandex Direct

ryandexdirect-packageLoad data from Yandex Direct
yadirCurrencyRatesGet campaign list from yandex direct account
yadirGetAdGroupsGet adgroups list from yandex direct account
yadirGetAdsGet ads list from yandex direct account
yadirGetBalanceGet yandex direct balance
yadirGetCampaignListGet campaign list from yandex direct account
yadirGetCampaignListOldGet campaign list from yandex direct account
yadirGetClientListGet client list with parameters and information
yadirGetClientParamGet params list from yandex direct account
yadirGetDictionaryGet Dictionary from Yandex
yadirGetKeyWordsGet keywords list from yandex direct account
yadirGetLogsDatayadirGetLogsData get raw data from Yandex Metrika LogsApi
yadirGetMetrikaGADataGet data from Yandex Metrika API is compatible with the...
yadirGetReportGet report from yandex direct Report service
yadirGetSummaryStatGet campaign statistic
yadirGetTokenget api yandex developer token
alex-www-marketing/ryandexdirect_edit documentation built on May 4, 2019, 10:57 a.m.