  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
  out.width = "100%"

Whisker Odds (wodds)

sensible summary statistics for big data

The goal of wodds is to make the calculations of whisker odds (wodds) easy. Wodds follow the same rules as letter-values, but with a different naming system.


You can install the development version of wodds from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:

a <- rnorm(n = 1e4, 0, 1)
df_wodds <- wodds::wodds(a)

Outliers beyond the last wodd are marked with O<value> in ascending order. There should rarely be more than 7 outliers when using wodds.

df_wodds_and_outs <- wodds::wodds(a, include_outliers = TRUE)

Though not necessary it is possible to include tail area if additional communication or teaching is needed. It is assumed that the wodd should be explanatory enough to not need to rely on tail_area.

df_wodds_and_outs <- wodds::wodds(a, include_tail_area  = TRUE)

An example with all options set to TRUE.

df_wodds_and_outs <- wodds::wodds(a, include_depth = TRUE, include_tail_area = TRUE, include_outliers = TRUE)

A knitr::kable example for publication.

knitr::kable(df_wodds_and_outs, align = 'c',digits = 3)

Getting the depth

wodds::get_depth_from_n(n=15734L, alpha = 0.05)

Getting the sample size

wodds::get_n_from_depth(d = 11L)

Whisker Odds and Letter-Values

Letter-Values are a fantastic tool! I think the naming could be improved. For this reason I introduce whisker odds (wodds) as an alternative naming system. My hypothesis is that with an alternative naming system the use of these descriptive statistics will be see more use. This is a rebranding of a what I think is a powerful modern statistical tool.

alexhallam/wodds documentation built on June 2, 2022, 10:28 a.m.