
Defines functions fugazi_spotify_data

Documented in fugazi_spotify_data

#' fugazi_spotify_data
#' @name fugazi_spotify_data
#' @title fugazi_spotify_data provides basic code for extracting metadata on Fugazi songs from the Spotify API. .
#' @description Based on code from this presentation: https://brunaw.com/shortcourses/IXSER/en/pres-en.html#1
#' @description Go to https://developer.spotify.com/ and log in,
#' @description Go to https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard/ and create a new app,
#' @description Save the client ID and the client Secret generated,
#' @description Define the redirect URL as http://localhost:1410/,
#' @description Use the spotifyOAuth() to authenticate:
#' @description library(Rspotify)
#' @description key_spotify <- spotifyOAuth("app_id","client_id","client_secret")
#' @description This function will produce an error if you do not load the package RSpotify first or if you do not provide as arguments your app_id, client_id and client_secret.
#' @param app_id
#' @param client_id
#' @param client_secret
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
fugazi_spotify_data <- function(app_id = NULL, client_id = NULL, client_secret = NULL) {

  key_spotify <- spotifyOAuth(app_id, client_id, client_secret)

  # 1. Search the artist using the API
  find_artist <- searchArtist("Fugazi", token = key_spotify)

  # 2. Use the ID to search for album information
  albums <- getAlbums(find_artist$id[1], token = key_spotify)

  # to add Furniture EP which was not discovered previously
  albums[10,1] <- "3TKqkE043OwhT0b9rHXMPe"
  albums[10,2] <- "Furniture"
  albums[10,3] <- "album"

  # 3. Obtain the songs of each album
  albums_res <- albums %>%
    dplyr::pull(id) %>%
        getAlbum(.x, token = key_spotify) %>%
          dplyr::select(id, name)
      }) %>%
  ids <- albums_res %>%

  # 4. Obtain the variables for each song
  features <- ids %>%
    purrr::map_dfr(~getFeatures(.x, token = key_spotify)) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(albums_res, by = "id")

  mydf <- features %>%
    select(-id, -uri, -analysis_url)

  mydf <- mydf %>%
    relocate(name, tempo) %>%


alexmitrani/Repeatr documentation built on June 11, 2024, 1:42 p.m.