check_augment_data_specification: Check that augment behavior is consistent for dataframes and...

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check_augment_data_specificationR Documentation

Check that augment behavior is consistent for dataframes and tibbles


Call this function to perform tests. If a tests fails, an informative error will be thrown. Otherwise silent.

Uses augment_data_helper() to create copies of the same dataset as a tibble, data frame and dataframe with rownames. When add_missing = TRUE these datasets have missing values along the diagonal, and one row of entirely missing values. Once the datasets have been generated, tests that:

  • augment(fit, data = generated_dataset) passes check_tibble() for each generated dataset.

  • Output of augment(fit, data = generated_dataset) is the same for all three generated datasets, except the data frame with rownames should also generate a .rownames column that the tibble and nameless data frame do not.

Additional tests when test_newdata = TRUE:

  • head(aug(model, newdata = data)) equals aug(head(model, newdata = data)). This commutativity check catches issues where the output of predict changes for the same data point depending on the rest of the dataset.


check_augment_data_specification(aug, model, data, add_missing, test_newdata)



An augment method. For example, augment.betareg.


A fit model object to call the augment method on.


A data frame or tibble to use when testing aug.


Logical indicating whether or not missing data should be introduced into the datasets generated with augment_data_helper(). This missing data is only used to test the newdata argument, not the data argument.


Logical indicating whether the newdata argument behavior should be tested instead of the data argument behavior.


An invisible NULL. This function should be called for side effects, not return values.

alexpghayes/modeltests documentation built on May 8, 2024, 1:28 p.m.