Man pages for alexsanchezpla/goProfiles
goProfiles: an R package for the statistical analysis of functional profiles

basicProfileBuilds basic functional profile
CD4idsEntrez identifiers for CD4-TCells example
clustKidneyMF2Ready 2 cluster equivalence distance matrix obtained from the...
compareGeneListsCompares two lists of genes by building (expanded) profiles...
compareGOProfilesComparison of lists of genes through their functional...
compareProfilesListsCompares two of expanded profiles
compSummaryThis function returns a brief summary of the comparison...
contractedProfileConverts an expanded GO profile into a basic (contracted) GO...
conversionFunctionsFunctions to transformconvert objects between different types
drosophilaEntrez identifiers for genes related with an eye mutation in...
equivalentGOProfilesAre two lists of genes equivalent in terms of their Gene...
equivClustFor a given level (2, 3, ...) in a GO ontology (BP, MF or...
equivClust2pdfSave the graphical representation of objects of class...
equivSummaryThis function returns a brief summary of the equivalence test...
expandedLevelFunction to create expanded levels which can contain GO Terms...
expandedProfileBuilds expanded profiles
fisherGOProfilesGO Class-by-class Fisher tests in lists of genes...
fitGOProfileDoes a "sample" GO profile 'pn', observed in a sample of 'n'...
goProfiles-packagePerforms Gene Ontology based analysis using Functional...
GOTermsListFunctions to create and manage lists of GO terms associated...
hugoIdsEntrez Identifiers obtained from the Human Genome...
iterEquivClustFor each combination of the specified levels in the choosen...
kidneyGeneListsGene-lists related to kidney transplantation rejection
mergeProfilesListsCombines two lists of profiles into one
ngenesReturns the number of genes that lead to this GO profile (an...
omimIdsEntrez identifiers for disease-related genes in the OMIM...
plotProfilesPlot functional profiles
printProfilesPrint functional profiles
prostateIdsProstate cancer-related genes
alexsanchezpla/goProfiles documentation built on May 28, 2019, 4:54 p.m.