rPinecone defines sub-lineages within a bacterial clonal expansion via a phylogenetic tree.

The publication is freely available at


rPinecone is currently available on github. It can be installed with devtools



Quick Start

Run rPinecone

# devtools::install_github('alexwailan/rpinecone')
library(ape) <- system.file("extdata", "pyjar.staph_ST2371_45_re_itol_7079_1_6_root.joint.tre", 
    package = "rPinecone")
tree <- ape::read.tree(
results <- pinecone(tree, 2, 3, quiet = TRUE)

rPinecone, is an R package designed to define sub-lineages within closely related LV populations. rPinecone uses root-to-tip directional approach to define sub-lineages within a phylogenetic tree according to SNV distance from the ancestral node.



The package defines sub-lineages within a bacterial clonal expansion via a phylogenetic tree.



We recommend using the ape package to read in your newick formatted tree.

After loading a tree rPinecone can be called as follows: <- system.file("extdata", "pyjar.staph_ST2371_45_re_itol_7079_1_6_root.joint.tre", 
    package = "rPinecone")
tree <- ape::read.tree(
results <- pinecone(tree, 2, 3, quiet = TRUE)

A SNV-scaled tree can also be generated using the function below by taking your tree and corresponding sequence data. The tree is required to be a phylo object and the data requires to be a DNAbin object.

tree <- ace_scale_phylo(tree, data)

Exporting results

iTOL ( is a web-based tool to visualise phylogenetic trees. This tool also allows users to overlay meta data on the tree through numerous annotation files which can be drag-and-dropped onto the tree. rPinecone is able to output these annotation files in a colour block format for visualisation of Sub-lineags on a phylogenetic tree. rPinecone can also provide a annotation file to replace Tip labels of the tree with the sample's corresponding Sub-group number.

To exports a data file for replacing Tip Labels with Sub-Group number (LABELS) run


To export a data file for displaying the Sub-Groups (DATASET_COLOURSTRIP) run


To export a data file for displaying the Major Sub-Groups (DATASET_COLOURSTRIP) run


The phylogentic tree with dichotomies resolved into multichotomies can be saved by running

write.tree(results$tree, file = "rpinecone.tree")


If you use the rPinecone package, please reference the following paper which can be found at the below URL:

Wailan AM, Coll F, Heinz E, Tonkin-Hill G, Corander J, Feasey NA, Thomson NR. 2019. "rPinecone: Define sub-lineages of a clonal expansion via a phylogenetic tree." Microb Genom. 5(4). doi: [10.1099/mgen.0.000264] (


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Pennell, Matthew W, Jonathan M Eastman, Graham J Slater, Joseph W Brown, Josef C Uyeda, Richard G FitzJohn, Michael E Alfaro, and Luke J Harmon. 2014. “Geiger V2.0: An Expanded Suite of Methods for Fitting Macroevolutionary Models to Phylogenetic Trees.” Bioinformatics 30 (15): 2216–8. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu181.

Revell, Liam J. 2012. “Phytools: An R Package for Phylogenetic Comparative Biology (and Other Things).” Methods Ecol. Evol. 3 (2). Blackwell Publishing Ltd: 217–23. doi:10.1111/j.2041-210X.2011.00169.x.

Schliep, Klaus Peter. 2011. “Phangorn: Phylogenetic Analysis in R.” Bioinformatics 27 (4): 592–93. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btq706.

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