Man pages for algoquant/HighFreq
High Frequency Time Series Management

agg_ohlcAggregate a time series of data into a single bar of _OHLC_...
agg_stats_rCalculate the aggregation (weighted average) of a statistical...
back_testSimulate (backtest) a rolling portfolio optimization...
calc_covarCalculate the covariance matrix of the columns of a _time...
calc_cvarCalculate the Value at Risk (_VaR_) or the Conditional Value...
calc_eigenCalculate the eigen decomposition of a square, symmetric...
calc_eigenpCalculate the partial eigen decomposition of a dense...
calc_endpointsCalculate a vector of end points that divides an integer time...
calc_hurstCalculate the Hurst exponent from the volatility ratio of...
calc_hurst_ohlcCalculate the Hurst exponent from the volatility ratio of...
calc_invCalculate the _reduced inverse_ of a symmetric _matrix_ of...
calc_invrecCalculate the approximate inverse of a square _matrix_...
calc_invrefCalculate the inverse of a square _matrix_ in place, without...
calc_invsvdCalculate the _reduced inverse_ of a _matrix_ of data using...
calc_kurtosisCalculate the kurtosis of the columns of a _time series_ or a...
calc_lmPerform multivariate linear regression using least squares...
calc_meanCalculate the mean (location) of the columns of a _time...
calc_ranksCalculate the ranks of the elements of a single-column _time...
calc_ranks_stlCalculate the ranks of the elements of a single-column _time...
calc_regPerform multivariate regression using different methods, and...
calc_scaleStandardize (center and scale) the columns of a _time series_...
calc_skewCalculate the skewness of the columns of a _time series_ or a...
calc_startpointsCalculate a vector of start points by lagging (shifting) a...
calc_varCalculate the dispersion (variance) of the columns of a _time...
calc_var_agCalculate the variance of returns aggregated over the end...
calc_var_ohlcCalculate the variance of returns from _OHLC_ prices using...
calc_var_ohlc_agCalculate the variance of aggregated _OHLC_ prices using...
calc_var_ohlc_rCalculate the variance of an _OHLC_ time series, using...
calc_varvecCalculate the variance of a single-column _time series_ or a...
calc_weightsCalculate the optimal portfolio weights using a variety of...
decode_itCalculate the _vector_ of data from its run length encoding.
diffitCalculate the row differences of a _time series_ or a...
diff_vecCalculate the differences between the neighboring elements of...
encode_itCalculate the run length encoding of a single-column _time...
hf_dataHigh frequency data sets
lagitApply a lag to the rows of a _time series_ or a _matrix_...
lag_vecApply a lag to a single-column _time series_ or a _vector_...
lik_garchCalculate the log-likelihood of a time series of returns...
mult_matMultiply element-wise the rows or columns of a _matrix_ times...
mult_mat_refMultiply the rows or columns of a _matrix_ times a _vector_,...
ohlc_returnsCalculate single period percentage returns from either _TAQ_...
ohlc_sharpeCalculate time series of point Sharpe-like statistics for...
ohlc_skewCalculate time series of point skew estimates from a _OHLC_...
ohlc_varianceCalculate a time series of point estimates of variance for an...
param_portfCreate a named list of model parameters that can be passed...
param_regCreate a named list of model parameters that can be passed...
push_cov2corCalculate the correlation matrix from the covariance matrix.
push_covarUpdate the trailing covariance matrix of streaming asset...
push_eigenUpdate the trailing eigen values and eigen vectors of...
push_sgaUpdate the trailing eigen values and eigen vectors of...
random_ohlcCalculate a random _OHLC_ time series of prices and trading...
random_taqCalculate a random _TAQ_ time series of prices and trading...
remove_jumpsRemove overnight close-to-open price jumps from an _OHLC_...
roll_applyApply an aggregation function over a rolling look-back...
roll_backtestPerform a backtest simulation of a trading strategy (model)...
roll_convCalculate the rolling convolutions (weighted sums) of a _time...
roll_countCount the number of consecutive 'TRUE' elements in a Boolean...
roll_hurstCalculate a time series of _Hurst_ exponents over a rolling...
roll_kurtosisCalculate a _matrix_ of kurtosis estimates over a rolling...
roll_meanCalculate a _matrix_ of mean (location) estimates over a...
roll_momentCalculate a _matrix_ of moment values over a rolling...
roll_ohlcAggregate a time series to an _OHLC_ time series with lower...
roll_regPerform a rolling regression and calculate a matrix of...
roll_scalePerform a rolling standardization (centering and scaling) of...
roll_sharpeCalculate a time series of Sharpe ratios over a rolling...
roll_skewCalculate a _matrix_ of skewness estimates over a rolling...
roll_statsCalculate a vector of statistics over an _OHLC_ time series,...
roll_sumCalculate the rolling sums over a _time series_ or a _matrix_...
roll_sumepCalculate the rolling sums at the end points of a _time...
roll_sumwCalculate the rolling weighted sums over a _time series_ or a...
roll_varCalculate a _matrix_ of dispersion (variance) estimates over...
roll_var_ohlcCalculate a _vector_ of variance estimates over a rolling...
roll_varvecCalculate a _vector_ of variance estimates over a rolling...
roll_vwapCalculate the volume-weighted average price of an _OHLC_ time...
roll_zscoresCalculate a _vector_ of z-scores of the residuals of rolling...
run_autocovarCalculate the trailing autocovariance of a _time series_ of...
run_covarCalculate the trailing covariances of two streaming _time...
run_maxCalculate the trailing maximum values of streaming _time...
run_meanCalculate the exponential moving average (EMA) of streaming...
run_minCalculate the trailing minimum values of streaming _time...
run_regPerform regressions on the streaming _time series_ of...
run_scaleStandardize (center and scale) the columns of a _time series_...
run_varCalculate the trailing mean and variance of streaming _time...
run_var_ohlcCalculate the trailing variance of streaming _OHLC_ price...
run_zscoresCalculate the trailing means, volatilities, and z-scores of a...
save_retsLoad, scrub, aggregate, and rbind multiple days of _TAQ_ data...
save_rets_ohlcLoad _OHLC_ time series data for a single symbol, calculate...
save_scrub_aggLoad, scrub, aggregate, and rbind multiple days of _TAQ_ data...
save_taqLoad and scrub multiple days of _TAQ_ data for a single...
scrub_aggScrub a single day of _TAQ_ data, aggregate it, and convert...
scrub_taqScrub a single day of _TAQ_ data in _xts_ format, without...
season_alityPerform seasonality aggregations over a single-column _xts_...
sim_arSimulate _autoregressive_ returns by recursively filtering a...
sim_dfSimulate a _Dickey-Fuller_ process using _Rcpp_.
sim_garchSimulate or estimate the rolling variance under a...
sim_ouSimulate an _Ornstein-Uhlenbeck_ process using _Rcpp_.
sim_portfoptimSimulate a portfolio optimization strategy using online...
sim_schwartzSimulate a _Schwartz_ process using _Rcpp_.
which_extremeCalculate a _Boolean_ vector that identifies extreme tail...
which_jumpsCalculate a _Boolean_ vector that identifies isolated jumps...
algoquant/HighFreq documentation built on Oct. 26, 2024, 9:20 p.m.