
ToDo list for package IBrokers2: Executing Real Time Trading Strategies Via the API of Interactive Brokers

Scripts for building packages

Steps for creating a package called my_package, which contains Rcpp code:

  1. Create empty package directory with the R command: Rcpp::Rcpp.package.skeleton()
  2. In the R sub-directory of the new package, create a file called my_package.R and add the header: #' @useDynLib my_package #' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp #' @exportPattern "^[[:alpha:]]+" Add your R functions below the above header.
  3. In the Build menu, Clean and rebuild

Scripts for installing packages:

Install package from source on local drive install.packages(pkgs="C:/Develop/R/IBrokers2", repos=NULL, type="source") Install package from source on local drive using R CMD R CMD INSTALL C:\Develop\R\IBrokers2 Install package from github devtools::install_github(repo="algoquant/IBrokers2", force=TRUE) Build vignette package reference manual from *.Rd files system("R CMD Rd2pdf C:/Develop/R/IBrokers2") cd C:\Develop\R\IBrokers2\vignettes R CMD Rd2pdf C:\Develop\R\IBrokers2\

Comments and package analysis


tasks to-do

tasks finished

tasks deprecated

algoquant/IBrokers2 documentation built on Nov. 3, 2021, 10:18 p.m.