chart_dygraph: Plot an interactive _dygraphs_ candlestick plot with...

View source: R/rutils.R

chart_dygraphR Documentation

Plot an interactive dygraphs candlestick plot with background shading for an OHLC time series in xts format.


Plot an interactive dygraphs candlestick plot with background shading for an OHLC time series in xts format.


chart_dygraph(ohlc, indic = NULL, ...)



An OHLC time series in xts format.


A Boolean time series in xts format for specifying the shading areas, with TRUE indicating "lightgreen" shading, and FALSE indicating "antiquewhite" shading (the default is NULL).


Additional arguments to function dygraphs::dygraph().


The function chart_dygraph() creates an interactive dygraphs candlestick plot with background shading for an OHLC time series. The function chart_dygraph() uses plotting functions from the package dygraphs.


A dygraphs plot object, and a dygraphs plot produced as a side effect.


# Plot an interactive dygraphs candlestick plot with background shading
ohlc <- rutils::etfenv$VTI
vwapv <- TTR::VWAP(price=quantmod::Ad(ohlc), volume=quantmod::Vo(ohlc), n=20)
ohlc <- cbind(ohlc[, c(1:3, 6)], vwapv)["2009-02/2009-04"]
rutils::chart_dygraph(ohlc, indic=(ohlc[, 4] > vwapv))

algoquant/rutils documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 7:22 p.m.