NOTE: This vigentte is optimised for longer simulation runs. Therefore the output is not as pleasant due to the fact that the dummy setas file have a running time of 5 years.

In order to use this vignette make sure to render model-preprocess.Rmd first. Either save the resulting list of dataframes as shown in data-raw/data-vignette-model-preprocess.R or render both vignettes model-preprocess.Rmd and model-calibration.Rmd in the same R-instance. Of course, you can also use a personalised version of mode-preprocess.Rmd. Please make sure to add all resulting dataframes to the list of dataframes at the end of the preprocess vignette and change model-calibration.Rmd accordingly.


fig_height2 <- 11
gen_labels <- list(x = "Time [years]", y = "Biomass [t]")

# You should be able to build the vignette either by clicking on "Knit PDF" in RStudio or with
# rmarkdown::render("model-calibration.Rmd")

User Input

This section is used to read in the SETAS dummy files. Please change this accordingly.

result <- preprocess

d <- system.file("extdata", "setas-model-new-trunk", package = "atlantistools")

# External recruitment data
ex_rec_ssb <- read.csv(file.path(d, "setas-ssb-rec.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# External biomass data
ex_bio <- read.csv(file.path(d, "setas-bench.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# bgm file
bgm <- file.path(d, "VMPA_setas.bgm")

Whole system plots!

Overall biomass

df_bio <- combine_groups(result$biomass, group_col = "species", combine_thresh = 10)
plot <- plot_bar(df_bio)
update_labels(plot, labels = gen_labels)

Biomass timeseries

plot <- plot_line(result$biomass)
update_labels(plot, labels = gen_labels)

Biomass@age timeseries

plot <- plot_line(result$biomass_age, col = "agecl")
update_labels(p = plot, labels = c(gen_labels, list(colour = "Ageclass")))

Number timeseries

plot <- plot_line(result$nums)
update_labels(p = plot, labels = list(x = "Time [years]", y = "Numbers"))

Number@age timeseries

plot <- plot_line(result$nums_age, col = "agecl")
update_labels(p = plot, labels = list(x = "Time [years]", y = "Numbers", colour = "Ageclass"))

SSB & Recruitment

plot_rec(result$ssb_rec, ex_data = ex_rec_ssb)

Biomass benchmark

names(ex_bio)[names(ex_bio) == "biomass"] <- "atoutput"

data <- result$biomass
data$model <- "atlantis"
comp <- rbind(ex_bio, data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Show atlantis as first factor!
comp$model <- factor(comp$model, levels = c("atlantis", sort(unique(comp$model))[sort(unique(comp$model)) != "atlantis"]))

# Create plot
plot <- plot_line(comp, col = "model")
update_labels(plot, gen_labels)

Biomass benchmark 2

plot <- plot_line(result$biomass) %>% update_labels(labels = gen_labels)
plot_add_range(plot, ex_bio)


plot <- plot_line(result$physics, wrap = NULL)
custom_grid(plot, grid_x = "polygon", grid_y = "variable")


physics <- result$physics %>%
  flip_layers() %>%
  split(., .$variable)

plots <- lapply(physics, plot_line, wrap = NULL) %>% 
  lapply(., custom_grid, grid_x = "polygon", grid_y = "layer")

for (i in seq_along(plots)) {
  cat(paste0("## ", names(plots)[i]), sep = "\n")
  plot <- update_labels(plots[[i]], labels = list(y = names(plots)[i]))

Fluxes 1

plot <- flip_layers(result$flux) %>% 
  plot_line(wrap = NULL, col = "variable")
custom_grid(plot, grid_x = "polygon", grid_y = "layer")

Fluxes 2

plot <- flip_layers(result$sink) %>% 
  plot_line(wrap = NULL, col = "variable")
custom_grid(plot, grid_x = "polygon", grid_y = "layer")

Relative change of water column height compared to nominal_dz

check_dz <- result$dz %>% 
  dplyr::left_join(result$nominal_dz, by = c("polygon", "layer")) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(check_dz = atoutput.x / atoutput.y) %>% 
  dplyr::filter(! # remove sediment layer

plot <- plot_line(check_dz, x = "time", y = "check_dz", wrap = "polygon", col = "layer")
update_labels(plot, list(x = "Time [years]", y = expression(dz/nominal_dz)))

Calibration plots

Structural nitrogen

df_rel <- convert_relative_initial(result$structn_age)
plot <- plot_line(df_rel, col = "agecl")
plot <- update_labels(plot, list(x = "Time [years]", y = expression(SN/SN[init])))

Reserve nitrogen

df_rel <- convert_relative_initial(result$resn_age)
plot <- plot_line(df_rel, col = "agecl")
plot <- update_labels(plot, list(x = "Time [years]", y = expression(RN/RN[init])))

Biomass per ageclass

df_rel <- convert_relative_initial(result$biomass_age)
plot <- plot_line(df_rel, col = "agecl")
plot <- update_labels(plot, list(x = "Time [years]", y = expression(Biomass/Biomass[init])))

Eat per ageclass

df_rel <- convert_relative_initial(result$eat_age)
plot <- plot_line(df_rel, col = "agecl")
plot <- update_labels(plot, list(x = "Time [years]", y = expression(Cons./Cons.[init])))

Growth per ageclass

df_rel <- convert_relative_initial(result$growth_age)
plot <- plot_line(df_rel, col = "agecl")
plot <- update_labels(plot, list(x = "Time [years]", y = expression(Growth/Growth[init])))

Growth in relation to initial conditions

plot <- plot_line(result$growth_rel_init, y = "gr_rel", col = "agecl")
update_labels(plot, list(y = expression((Growth - Growth[req])/Growth[req])))


df_rel <- convert_relative_initial(result$nums_age)
plot <- plot_line(df_rel, col = "agecl")
plot <- update_labels(plot, list(x = "Time [years]", y = expression(Numbers/Numbers[init])))


df_rel <- convert_relative_initial(result$biomass)
plot <- plot_line(df_rel)
plot <- update_labels(plot, list(x = "Time [years]", y = expression(Biomass/Biomass[init])))

Distribution plots

Numbers @ age

df <- agg_perc(result$nums_age, groups = c("time", "species"))
plot <- plot_bar(df, fill = "agecl", wrap = "species")
update_labels(plot, labels = list(x = "Time [years]", y = "Numbers [%]"))

Biomass @ age

df <- agg_perc(result$biomass_age, groups = c("time", "species"))
plot <- plot_bar(df, fill = "agecl", wrap = "species")
update_labels(plot, labels = list(x = "Time [years]", y = "Biomass [%]"))

Diet Plots

plots <- plot_diet(result$biomass_consumed, wrap_col = "agecl", combine_thresh = 7)
for (i in seq_along(plots)) {
  cat(paste0("## Diet plot ", i, ": ", names(plots)[i]), sep = "\n")

Spatial Plots 1

plots <- plot_spatial_box(result$biomass_spatial_stanza, bgm_as_df = convert_bgm(bgm = bgm), timesteps = 7)
for (i in seq_along(plots)) {
  cat(paste0("## Spatial Plot ", i, ": ", names(plots)[i]), sep = "\n")

Spatial Plots 2

plots <- plot_spatial_ts(result$biomass_spatial_stanza, bgm_as_df = convert_bgm(bgm = bgm), vol = result$vol)
for (i in seq_along(plots)) {
  cat(paste0("## Spatial Plot ", i, ": ", names(plots)[i]), sep = "\n")

alketh/atlantistools documentation built on Oct. 30, 2021, 5:46 a.m.