Man pages for alku86/lmerTest
Tests in Linear Mixed Effects Models

anova-methodsMethods for function 'anova' in package 'lmerTest'
calcSatterthF-test based on the Satterthwaite's approximation for...
carrotsConsumer preference mapping of carrots
difflsmeansCalculates Differences of Least Squares Means and Confidence...
hamConjoint study of dry cured ham
lmerFit Linear Mixed-Effects Models
lmerTest-packageThe package performs different kinds of tests on lmer...
lsmeansCalculates Least Squares Means and Confidence Intervals for...
merModLmerTest-classMixed Model Representations
randPerforms likelihood ratio test on random effects of linear...
stepPerforms backward elimination of non-significant effects of...
summary-methodsMethods for Function 'summary' in Package 'lmerTest'
TVboTV dataset
alku86/lmerTest documentation built on May 10, 2019, 9:22 a.m.