Man pages for aloysius-lim/bigrf
Big Random Forests: Classification and Regression Forests for Large Data Sets

bigcforest-classClassification Random Forests
bigcprediction.classRandom Forest Predictions
bigctree-classClassification Trees in Random Forests
bigrfcBuild a Classification Random Forest Model
bigrf-packageBig Random Forests: Classification and Regression Forests for...
bigrfprox-classProximity Matrices
fastimp-methodsCompute Fast (Gini) Variable Importance
generateSyntheticClassGenerate Synthetic Second Class for Unsupervised Learning
grow-methodsGrow More Trees in a Random Forest
interactions-methodsCompute Variable Interactions
merge-methodsMerge Two Random Forests
outliers-methodsCompute Outlier Scores
predict-methodsPredict Classes of Test Examples
prototypes-methodsCompute Class Prototypes
proximities-methodsCompute Proximity Matrix
scaling-methodsCompute Metric Scaling Co-ordinates
varimp-methodsCompute Variable Importance
aloysius-lim/bigrf documentation built on May 11, 2019, 11:20 p.m.