
#' Read a FARS file
#' This functions checks to see if a given file exists,
#' and if it does, it reads it in and returns the data
#' as a data frame. If the file does not exist, it returns
#' a message that the file does not exist
#' @param filename a character string representing the name of the file to be read
#' @return This function returns a data frame consisting of
#'  the data read in from the given file name, or a message that
#'  the file does not exist
#' @examples
#' ## name <- "accident_2013.csv.bz2"
#' ## fars_read(name)
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom dplyr tbl_df
#' @export
fars_read <- function(filename) {
    stop("file '", filename, "' does not exist")
  data <- suppressMessages({
    readr::read_csv(filename, progress = FALSE)
alphaecho1229/Week4Assessment documentation built on May 12, 2019, 10:30 p.m.