Man pages for alrobles/geotax
Tools for exploring taxonomic distance over the geographical space

beetleTreeInteractionsBeetle tree interaction table.
get_bin_matrixGenerate a binary random matrix of ones and zeros with a...
get_incidence_matrixGenerate an incidence matrix from a interaction table
get_log_reg_coefficientsLogistic regression coeficients
get_taxonomical_treeCreate a taxonomic tree (cladogram) given a taxonomic table
host_pointsPresence points of 50,000 tree genus.
host_points_mexicoPresence points of 3,200 bark beetle genus in Mexico.
host_points_samplePresence points of 1,000 bark beetle genus.
host_treePylogenetic tree example on geotax.
host_tree_prunePylogenetic tree example on geotax.
log_reg_boostrapLogistic regression coeficients. Calculates the coefficients...
log_reg_coefLogistic regression coeficients. Calculates the coefficients...
mexicoShapefile of Mexico.
null_raster_pointCreate a point matrix from from a shape file with an...
null_raster_polygonCreate a Spatial polygon Data Set from a shape file with an...
PAMCreate a Presence Absence Matrix
phy_distPhylogenetic distance matrix among host data on geotax
pipePipe operator
prob_logitGet probabilities from logistic regression coefficients.
tax_tableTaxonomical host data on geotax
alrobles/geotax documentation built on July 27, 2023, 4:37 a.m.