
#' Land and Terrain Chracteristics of Lao Cai, Vietnam
#' A dataset containing the land and terrain characteristics of the land units in
#' Lao Cai, Vietnam.
#' \itemize{
#'  \item SlopeD - Slope (1: 0-3, 2: 3-8, 3: 8-15, 4: 15-20, 5: 20-25, 6: >25) (degree, 6 classes);
#'  \item CFragm - Coarse fragment (Vol.\%);
#'  \item SoilDpt - Soil depth (cm);
#'  \item SoilTe - 12 classes of soil texture (Soil Taxonomy);
#'  \item CECc - Apparent CEC Clay (cmol (+)/kg clay);
#'  \item SumBCs - Sum of basic caions (cmol (+)/kg soil);
#'  \item pHH20 - pH H2O;
#'  \item BS - Base Saturation (\%);
#'  \item OC - Organic carbon (\%);
#'  \item Flood - Flooding;
#' }
#' @docType data
#' @keywords dataset
#' @format A data frame with 2928 rows and 10 columns
#' @name LaoCaiLT
alstat/ALUES documentation built on June 17, 2022, 10:42 p.m.