Getting Started


Basic knowledge of working with datasets in R is essential. This course assumes that you're comfortable with reading datasets, working with script files, and navigating in RStudio.

Software Requirements

R and RStudio

Recent versions of R (version 3.2 or newer) and RStudio (version 1.0 above) are required.

You can download the latest versions from the links below:

You can find out the version of R installed by typing version at the console:


Required Packages

This workshop relies on three packages: dplyr, tidyr, and readr. There are two ways to install these packages:

Option 1: Use tidyverse

You can either install these two packages individually or use tidyverse. The tidyverse package is a collection of packages used for data manipulation and visualization. In addition to dplyr, tidyr, and readr, it also includes the following:


You can install tidyverse using the install.packages() function:


You can find out the version of tidyverse installed using the packageVersion() function:


To update tidyverse packages, you can use the tidyverse_update() function:


Option 2: Install Individual Packages

If you encounter any problems installing tidyverse, then the other option is to install dplyr, tidyr, and readr individually.


altaf-ali/tidydata_tutorial documentation built on May 20, 2019, 4:08 p.m.