Man pages for altairwei/brookite
Useful bioinformation tools for R.

compareGSEAPerform GSEA on gene clusters.
default_biomart_attributesDefault biomart attributes to retrieve
enrich_add_go_levelAdd GO level data to result of enrichment analysis.
enrich_barplotMake barplot of enrichment analysis.
enrich_barplot_by_levelPlot barplot of each GO level.
enrich_cnetplotMake Gene-Concept Network plot for enrichment analysis
enrichment_analysisPerform enrichment analysis by using clusterProfiler.
gseaCompareDotplotCompare dotplot for GSEA
makeOrgDbFromBiomartMake a OrgDb package from annotations available on a BioMart...
pipePipe operator
p_makeOrgPackageCopy from AnnotationForge
pull_annotationPull Annotation from BioMart
pull_data_from_biomartPull data table from biomart
altairwei/brookite documentation built on Nov. 1, 2022, 7:03 p.m.