Man pages for alteryx/AlteryxPredictive
Utility functions used by the predictive tools in Alteryx

adj_r_squaredTranslates an R squared into an adjusted R squared, returning...
adjustCPAdjusts config based on results if config was initially...
adjustCP.C5.0Adjusts config based on results if config was initially...
adjustCP.defaultAdjusts config based on results if config was initially...
adjustCP.rpartAdjusts config based on results if config was initially...
adjustCP.rxDTreeAdjusts config based on results if config was initially...
admissionAdmission results to graduate school
Alteryx_assertanalog of assert_that for use with Alteryx Generic S3 class...
Alteryx_assert.defaultanalog of assert_that for use with Alteryx, defaults to error...
Alteryx_assert.erroranalog of assert_that for use with Alteryx errors
Alteryx_assert.warninganalog of assert_that for use with Alteryx warnings
AlteryxGraph2Alteryx Graph Function
AlteryxGraph3Plot output of an R expression
Alteryx.ReportAnovaCreate a data frame with model object summary
Alteryx.ReportGLMCreate a data frame with glm model object summary
Alteryx.ReportLMCreate a data frame with lm model object summary
AlteryxReportRxCreate report for rx model objects.
areIdenticalCross-validation for Decision Tree
badDashCreate a dashboard outputting a single message
bootCHBootstrap Replicates of the Calinski-Harabas index for...
bpCentBiplot of a Cluster Analysis Function
checkFactorVarsFor each factor variable, check to see if all levels are...
checkInstallsUtility function to check to see if the necessary packages...
checkLowNCheck if data has enough rows
checkMissing.omitCheck if data contains missing values, omit those records
checkValidConfigGeneral Method for Validating config Error checking pre-model...
checkValidConfigC5.0Error checking pre-model Does not return anything - just...
checkValidConfigrpartError checking pre-model Does not return anything - just...
checkValidConfigrxDTreeError checking pre-model Does not return anything - just...
checkXVarsCheck predictor variables Check if predictor variables in the...
computeBinaryMetricsGet the necessary measures in the binary classification case
convertDTParamsToArgsMap parameter names to function argument names
convertDTParamsToArgsC5.0Map parameter names to function arg names for C5.0
convertDTParamsToArgsrpartMap parameter names to function arg names for rpart
convertDTParamsToArgsrxDTreeMap parameter names to function arg names for rxDTree
createDashboardDTGeneric S3 Class Create Interactive Dashboard
createDashboardDT.defaultCreate Interactive Dashboard for default model
createDashboardDT.rpartCreate Interactive Dashboard for rpart model
createDashboardDT.rxDTreeCreate Interactive Dashboard for default model
createDTParamsCreation of components for model object evaluation
createFoldsCreate the list of cross-validation folds
createPlotOutputsLinearOSRCreate Plots
createPlotOutputsLinearXDFPlots in XDF
createPlotOutputsLogisticOSRCreate Plots
createPlotOutputsLogisticXDFPlots in XDF
createPrunePlotDTCreate Prune Plot
createPrunePlotDT.C5.0Create Prune Plot
createPrunePlotDT.rpartCreate Prune Plot
createPrunePlotDT.rxDTreeCreate Prune Plot
createReportDTGeneric S3 class Get data for static report (grp|out pipes)
createReportDT.C5.0Get data for static report for C5.0 model
createReportDT.rpartGet data for static report (grp|out pipes) for rpart model
createReportDT.rxDTreeGet data for static report (grp|out pipes) for rxDTree model
createReportGLMNETCreate a data frame with elnet/cv.glmnet containing an elnet...
createReportLinearCreate Reports
createReportLogisticOSRCreate Reports
createReportLogisticXDFCreate report for logistic regression run on XDF
createTreePlotDTCreate Tree Plot
createTreePlotDT.C5.0Create Tree Plot for C5.0 model
createTreePlotDT.defaultCreate Tree Plot for C5.0 model
createTreePlotDT.rpartCreate Tree Plot for rpart model
createTreePlotDT.rxDTreeCreate Tree Plot for rxDTree model
df2NumericMatrixConvert data frame into a numeric matrix, filtering out...
display_config_messagesOutputting the warnings/errors. This function was originally...
doFunctionExecute function on parameters To-Do: re-specify call to be...
findInputsFind inputs that start with a root
findTrueInputFind inputs that start with a root and have the value TRUE
getBinaryConfusionMatrixHelpful wrapper around fitted and actual values for...
getFamilyFigure out which family to use
getMeasuresClassificationGet the necessary measures in the classification case
getMissingClassesGiven a factor variable and a set of records in a fixed trial...
getNamesFromOrderedGet names list for x, y, and weights
getPositiveClassGet the postive class for two-class classification, choosing...
getReportObjectDTGet common report objects
getResultsCrossValidationLogRegget results from running cross validation for logistic...
getWHRParamsGet list of arguments to pass to whrParams
getXdfLevelsextract levels from xdf data
getXdfPropertiesextract xdf properties from incoming xdf data
getXlevelsGet X Levels from model object
getXVarsExtract predictor variables from an R model call object
getYlevelsGet Y levels from model object
getYVargetYVar function
getYvarsCheck if response variable is the same in the pre-built...
graphWHRGraphWHR Function
graphWHR2Computes width, height and dpi for a graph output
inAlteryxReturns TRUE if called inside an Alteryx R Tool.
interactive_dtDashboard generation for decision tree models
interactive_lm_reportlinear-model interactive-report function This function...
interactive_lrDashboard generation for logistic regression models
is.boundedIntchecks whether real value is between min and max
is.boundedRealchecks whether real value is between min and max
is.integerValuecheck whether some number is an integerValue
makeFormulaCreate formula string
makeInputMake an input string to be inserted at the top of R code
matchLevelsMatch levels of factors in original data with new data
matrixPipeDelimConvert a matrix into a pipe delimited set of values
mrsCorrectLevelsCorrect MRS levels.
mrsDataObjCreate MRS data object
mrsGetXYLevelsGet MRS levels.
mrsLevelsGet MRS levels
mrsLevels2ColInfoExtract column info from MRS levels.
mrsReorderedLevelsReorder MRS Labels
mrsReorderFactorsCreate the appropriate information for the 'colInfo'...
mrsTempCreate a temp directory for MRS related work
noDiagnosticPlotFunction to create empty plot with a message
noNullLevelsRemove factors with null levels from a list
noZeroLevelsRemove non numeric elements from a list
performNestedTestPerform a nested test on linear models
pipeDelimConvert row into a pipe delimited string
plotMeansPlot means by group(s)
prepModelForOutputPrepare model for output
processDTProcess DT model
processElasticNetProcess Elastic Net Inputs
processLinearProcess Linear Regression Inputs
processLogisticProcess Inputs
pStarsConvert p-values to text.
questionsQuestion Inputs
read.Alteryx2Alteryx Read Function
readModelObjectsRead an Alteryx stream consisting of a table of model objects
rSquaredTries very hard to compute a sensible R squared, else returns...
runCrossValidationDTreeWrapper function for performing cross-validation on DTree...
runCrossValidationLinRegprocess for Linear Regression with Cross Validation returns...
runCrossValidationLogRegRun CV and output results for logistic CV model
scoreModelScore function
serializeObjectSerialize an arbitrary R object into an ASCII string
standardizeStandardize a matrix
trim.blanksTrim Blanks Function
unitScaleUnit Scale Function
unserializeInputsUnserialize a list of inputs some of which might contain...
unserializeObjectUnserialize a string produced by serializeObject
validNameCreate a valid name for an R object
verifyClassCheck if positive class is present in vector Will return same...
wrapTableWrap a data frame object into a table.
write.Alteryx2Alteryx Write Function
XMSGtranslates input string and embeds any bind-variable values...
XMSG2localization.R translates input string and embeds any...
alteryx/AlteryxPredictive documentation built on May 12, 2019, 1:37 a.m.