Man pages for alteryx/jeeves
A helper for developing predictive tools in Alteryx

addToDratAdd package to drat repo
autoRunAuto run tests on a new build of designer.
copyAlteryxRPluginCopy predictive macros, samples and plugins from SVN
copyHtmlPluginUpdate Html Plugin
copyPredictiveMacroCopy predictive macro
copyXDFFilesCopy XDF files from SVN
createPluginFromMacroCreate Plugin from Macro
createTestDashboardCreate a dashboard of test results
createYXICreate a YXI file
downloadInstallersDownload Installers
extractAnnotationConfigExtract annotation from macro configuration
extractAnnotationInputOutputExtract annotation from macro inputs and outputs
extractConfigurationExtract question constants and their configuration from macro
extractIconExtract icon from macro
extractMacroConstantsExtract macro constants.
extractQuestionConstantsExtract question constants and return code that can be...
extractRcodeSave R code extracted from an Alteryx Macro
generateConfigurationTableGenerate table of configuration items
getAyxSvnDirsGet Alteryx SVN Directories
getAyxSvnRDirsGet Alteryx R SVN Directories
getNewDependenciesGet new dependencies for a package
getSamplesDirGet samples directory
insertRcodeInsert R code into an Alteryx macro
insertRcode2Syntactic sugar for insertRcode to cover the most common...
installAllPackagesInstall All Needed Packages
installAllPackages2Install All Needed Packages V2
install_all_pkgsInstall All Packages Needed for Alteryx Predictive Tools
installAlteryxInstall Alteryx
install_Alteryx_pkgsInstall Alteryx R packages
install_CRAN_pkgsInstall CRAN Packages needed for Alteryx predictive tools
installToSvnInstall packages to R library in SVN
isOlderCheck if a file is older than the other
jvAccordionCreate an accordion
jvAccordionItemCreate an accordion item
jvContentCreate a content div
jvCustomizePageCreate the customize page
jvHeaderCreate a header
jvMakeDataItemsToInitializeCreate data items to initialize
jvPageCreate a page
jvSetupPageCreate the setup page
jvTabbedContentCreate tabbed content
jvTabNavItemCreate a tab nav item
jvTabPageCreate a tab page
jvTabsCreate tabs
listInstalledPackagesList of all installed packages used in Alteryx's Predictive...
listPredictiveMacrosList predictive macros.
makeAwesomeDashboardMake awesome test dashboard
makeGalleryCreate a gallery
makeHtmlIdMake a valid html id
makeHtmlPageOfPackagesMake Html Page for list of packages.
makeIconMake a circular or square icon and save it to a png file.
makeJsVariableMake a javascript variable
makePluginConfigHelper function to create plugin configuration xml file
makeSectionMake a section
makeSubSectionMake a subsection
makeWorkflowMake a workflow
makeWorkflow2Make an Alteryx workflow
npmBuildRun build process to update app.min.js and app.css
readAndWriteMacroRead and write a macro
renderPluginWidgetsRender plugin widgets
runAllSamplesAndTestsRun all samples and QA tests.
runTestsRun all tests in the Supporting_Macros/tests folder
runTests2Run tests
runWorkflowRun an Alteryx workflow
runWorkflow2Run an Alteryx workflow
runWorkflowsRun Workflows in a directory
saveManifestSave manifest of R packages installed.
saveReadmeSave readme
scaffoldPluginScaffold a new plugin with a predictive macro
scaffoldPluginFromMacroScaffold a plugin based on an existing predictive macro.
scaffoldWorkflowScaffold a new workflow based on a template
svnInstallPackagesInstall packages to SVN
updatePackageFromGithubUpdate SVN with R package or HtmlPlugin from Github
updatePluginUpdate plugin
updateRInstallationUpdate R installation
writeGuiHtmlWrite Gui HTML for plugin
writeGuiHtmlFromLayoutWrite Gui HTML for plugin based on a layout
writeLayoutFromYamlSpecWrite layout from a yaml spec file
writeLayoutFromYamlSpec2Write layout file from a YAML spec
writePluginConfigMake plugin configuration xml file from macro
writeRPluginIniWrite RPluginIni
alteryx/jeeves documentation built on May 12, 2019, 1:40 a.m.