
RODBC Example

Install an ODBC driver using promote.sh and use the RODBC package to make requests. The purpose of this example is to demonstrate how to use a promote.sh file to set up Promote for a deployed model. Make sure when deploying that your working directory is the root directory for this example, otherwise the promote.sh script will not be bundled and sent to Promote for execution.

Model Response:

If deployed as is, the response of this model will throw the following error. This because the database being connected to doesn't exist.

"Error processing prediction from input: Error in model.predict function
Error in RODBC::sqlQuery(dbhandle, \"select top 10 * from ds_res.DriveSystem_Results\"): first argument is not an open RODBC channel
model.predict <- function (request) 
    string_created <- \"Driver={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}; . . .\"
    dbhandle <- RODBC::odbcDriverConnect(string_created)
    res <- RODBC::sqlQuery(dbhandle, \"select top 10 * from ds_res.DriveSystem_Results\")
    message <- paste0(\"##########################: \", as.character(res$ind_alert_status[1]))
    message <- \"executed\"

alteryx/promote-r-client documentation built on May 28, 2019, 4:55 p.m.