Man pages for alxbetz/bendr
Fits dose-response curves

bootstrap_ciCalculate parameter and prediction confidence intervals using...
calc_ecxcalculate ECx
calc_xrangeCalculate a vector of x-values for plotting
cleanAndPivotRemove NA columns from dataframe and convert to long format
extend_ciExtends the plot data up to the concentration where the lower...
findNTCFind the non-toxic concentration.
fitdrDose Response curve fit
fitdr_multiFit multiple dose response curves
fitdr_replicatesDose response curve fit with replicates
guessEC50_lmGuess the logEC50 by fitting a linear model through the...
inverse.hillInverse hill function
nlsfittwo stage nonlinear least squares fit
plot_multi_drcPlot multiple dose response curves
plot_replicate_drcPlot a single dose response curve with standard deviation of...
plot_single_drcPlot a single dose response curve
prediction_ciCalculate the confidence intervals using the delta method
qdiffCalculate quantile difference of a vector
alxbetz/bendr documentation built on Aug. 2, 2020, 2:06 a.m.