Man pages for amboseli/ramboseli
Utility functions for the babase database

amboseli_palettesList of Amboseli color palettes
apply_universal_slopeApply universal slope correction to DSI
dyadic_indexCalculate dyadic index variables from individual-year-of-life...
dyadic_index_summaryCreate summary data from dyadic index input
dyadic_row_summarySummarize a single DSI subset. Calculate top partners, bond...
fit_dyadic_regressionFit dyadic index regression on subset of data
get_dyadic_subsetObtain dyadic interaction subsets for the animal's year of...
get_focal_indexCalculate dyadic variables for focal animal from a dyadic...
get_sci_subsetObtain SCI subsets for the animal's year of life
make_date_colsFunction to add "year_of" and "month_of" columns to a...
make_iyolCreate a data frame for each individual year of life (by...
make_paletteA color palette generator
make_target_date_dfCreate a data frame with year-long intervals prior to...
print.palettePrint a color palette
scale_numHelper for z-scoring
sciCalculate Social Connectedness Index variables from...
sqrt_sign_transA signed square-root transform. This transform can be useful...
subset_femalesObtain a subset of adult female count data that excludes...
subset_focalsObtain a subset of adult female focal samples that excludes...
subset_interactionsObtain a subset of grooming data that excludes behavioral...
subset_membersObtain a subset of members table that excludes behavioral...
theme_internal_ticksA ggplot2 theme with internal tick marks.
theme_internal_ticks_x2A doubled version of theme_internal_ticks.
theme_journalA clean ggplot2 theme with no internal grid lines.
theme_journal_x2A doubled version of theme_journal.
amboseli/ramboseli documentation built on May 14, 2024, 7:36 p.m.