Man pages for amd112/rseiAnalysis
Documentation and RSEI Analysis

aggregateGeographyAggregate Geography to Higher Census Level
extrapolateCreate non-parametric estimate of what distributions would...
getPercentileDataTransform data from count of people in group to percentile of...
getTimeChangeDataTransform data to be vector of rank or value difference...
nonParametricExtrapolateCreate non-parametric estimate of what distributions would...
percentilePlotCreate a plot of the cdf's of the log toxicity of various...
rankDifferenceFind rank improvement for one group
timeChangePlotCreate a plot showing the improvement of groups relataive to...
timeDifferenceFind differences in group improvement over time
valueDifferenceFind value improvement for one group
amd112/rseiAnalysis documentation built on May 28, 2019, 4:55 p.m.