
Package avec les fonctions vues en cours

Function "save as csv":

Function that saves a Data.frame in a csv file and also outputs the full path of where the csv has been saved. Asks for a dataset and a directory.

Function "draw names":

Function that uses the prenoms dataset and plots simultaneously the popularity of more than one name with ggplot. Asks the user a column of names.

Function "my csv reader":

Function that takes all the csv from a folder Import them and put them in a list Returns the list Asks the user for a folder.

Function "read excel multi":

Function that import ALL sheets from an xlsx file. Asks the user for an excel file.

Function "draw a name ":

Function that can plot the popularity of babynames (using prenoms) in times Use the_name and the_sex as arguments.

ameliemeurer/premierpackage documentation built on May 28, 2019, 4:56 p.m.