Man pages for amilleranalytics/rempreq
rempreq: An R package for Estimating the Employment Impact of U.S. Domestic Industry Production and Imports

current_tableReturn the latest employment requirements table, convenience...
direct_emp_impactReturns the number of jobs (default: domestic only, current...
emp_impact_all_sectorsReturns the total number of jobs (domestic only) in all...
helloHello, World!
imports_table_currentReturn the latest imports employment requirements table,...
indirect_emp_impactReturns the number of jobs (default: domestic only, current...
sector_all_impact_all_yearsReturns a vector of the number of jobs (default: domestic...
sector_descriptionGiven a sector number, return a description.
sector_direct_impact_all_yearsReturns a vector of the number of jobs (default: domestic...
sector_emp_impactReturn a vector of the number of jobs by all sectors for a...
sector_indirect_impact_all_yearsReturns a vector of the number of jobs (default: domestic...
series_by_sectorReturn the employment requirements coefficient vector for a...
series_by_sector_by_yearReturn the employment requirements coefficient vector for a...
table_by_yearReturn the employment requirements table for the given year,...
amilleranalytics/rempreq documentation built on May 10, 2019, 10:27 a.m.