Man pages for ammeir2/CoReAnalysis

check_coreAnalysis_argumentsA helper function for checking coreAnalysis argumnets
chisq_conditional_densityThe conditional chi-square density
chisq_conditional_ncp_ciConditional test-inversion confidence intervals for...
chisq_conditional_ncp_mleCompute the mle of the non-centrality parameter of a...
chisq_ncp_mleCompute the mle of the non-centrality parameter for a...
CoReAnalysisConditional replication analysis
correlation_conditional_ciCorrelation Conditional CI
correlation_conditional_mleConditional mle for Pearson's correlation
corr_to_zConverts Pearson's correaltion to z-statstic via Fisher's...
f_conditional_densityThe conditional F density
f_conditional_ncp_ciConditional test-inversion confidence intervals for F ncps
f_conditional_ncp_mleCompute the mle of the non-centrality parameter of an F...
helloHello, World!
numerical_invert_ciA function for inverting tests numerically
replication_powerPower analysis following Conditional Replicability Analysis
t_conditional_densityA function for computing the (negative) conditional t density
t_conditional_ncp_ciCompute a conditional ci for a t-statistic non-centraility...
t_conditional_ncp_mleA function for computing the MLE of a t distribution...
threshold_conversionPval_threshold to threshold conversion
t_ncp_ciComputes a naive CI for the t non-centrality parameter
t_ncp_mleA function for estimating the MLE of the ncp of a t...
two_sided_tA helper function for computing the selection probability of...
z_to_corrConverts z-statstic to Pearson's correlation via Fisher's...
ammeir2/CoReAnalysis documentation built on May 17, 2019, 1:28 p.m.