Man pages for ammeir2/selectiveTweedy

deconvTweedA Function for Computing the Bayes Rule for a 'deconv' model...
estimateCensoredParamModelA function for estimating parametric model 2 (censoring)
estimateTruncParamModelA function for estimating parmetric model 1 (truncation)
helloHello, World!
paretoDensThe density of the generalized pareto distribution
paretoGradComputes the gradient of the minus log-likelihood of the...
paretoLogLikComputes the log-likelihood of the generalized pareto...
paretoMLComputes the MLE of a generalized pareto model
paretoTruncNormMixA function for fitting a Genearlized Pareto/Truncated Normal...
paretoTweedyComputes the tweedy correction based on an estimated...
paretoTweedyCorrectionTweedy correction for tails of distributions based on the...
predict.paretoTweedCompute tweedy correction based on estimated Generalized...
predict.ptnMixApplies Tweedy Correction based on a Pareto/Truncated Normal...
predict.truncDeconvComputes the Bayes Rule based on a 'truncDeconv' model fit
truncDeconvComputes Empirical Bayes Estimates via Deconvolution for...
truncLogNormDensLog-likelihood of the (two sided) truncated normal...
truncNormMLEComputes the conditioal MLE for a truncated normal...
univTruncNormMLECompute the univariate conditional MLE for truncated normal...
ammeir2/selectiveTweedy documentation built on May 24, 2019, 3:02 a.m.