Man pages for amrrs/coinmarketcapr
Get 'Cryptocurrencies' Market Cap Prices from Coin Market Cap

coinmarketcaprcoinmarketcapr: Cryptocurrency Market Cap Prices from...
get_api_infoGet API-Key Info
get_crypto_listingsGet latest/historical market data
get_crypto_mapGet active cryptocurrencies
get_crypto_marketpairsList all active market pairs
get_crypto_metaGet static metdata
get_crypto_ohlcvList latest/historical OHLCV values
get_crypto_quotesGet market quotes
get_exchange_mapGet all cryptocurrency exchanges
get_exchange_metaGet all cryptocurrency exchanges metadata
get_global_marketcapExtract Global Market Cap of Cryptocurrency Market
get_marketcap_ticker_allDeprecated use 'get_crypto_listings' instead.
get_price_conversionPrice Conversion
get_valid_currenciesGet Valid Currencies
plot_top_currenciesPlot The Price of the Largest Market Cap Cryptocurrencies...
amrrs/coinmarketcapr documentation built on April 3, 2022, 5:38 a.m.