Man pages for amvillegas/StMoMo
Stochastic Mortality Modelling

apcCreate an Age-Period-Cohort mortality model
arima.stringCopy of unexported function arima.string from forecast
binomRes2qMap Binomial deviance residuals into deaths
bootstrapGeneric method for bootstrapping a fitted Stochastic...
bootstrap.fitStMoMoBootstrap a fitted Stochastic Mortality Model
cbdCreate a Cairns-Blake-Dowd mortality model
central2initialTransform StMoMoData from central to initial exposures
coef.fitStMoMoExtract coefficients from a fitted Stochastic Mortality Model
computeDevianceBinomialBinomial deviance
computeDeviancePoissonCompute Poisson deviance
computeLogLikBinomialCompute Binomial loglikelihod
computeLogLikPoissonCompute Poisson loglikelihod
EWMaleDataEngland and Wales male mortality data
extractCoefficientsFromGnmExtract the model coefficient
extractCohortExtract cohort from an age-period array
fitGeneric for fitting a Stochastic Mortality Model
fit.rhFit a Renshaw and Haberman (Lee-Carter with cohorts)...
fit.StMoMoFit a Stochastic Mortality Model
fitted.fitStMoMoCompute fitted values for a Stochastic Mortality Model
forecast.fitStMoMoForecast mortality rates using a Stochastic Mortality Model
forecast.iarimaForecast independent arima series
forecast.mrwdForecast a Multivariate Random Walk with Drift
genBinomialResBootSamplesGenerate Binomial residual bootstrap sample
genBinomialSemiparametricBootSamplesGenerate Binomial semiparametric bootstrap samples
genPoissonResBootSamplesGenerate Poisson residual bootstrap sample
genPoissonSemiparametricBootSamplesGenerate Poisson semiparametric bootstrap samples
genWeightMatGenerate weight matrix
getMinimalFitStMoMoExtract a lighter version of a fitted Stochastic Mortality...
iarimaFit independent arima series to a multivariate time series
initial2centralTransform StMoMoData from initial to central exposures
invlogitInverse Logit function 'invlogit' computes the inverse logit...
lcCreate a Lee-Carter model
logitLogit function 'logit' computes the logit function
logLik.fitStMoMoLog-Likelihood of a fitStMoMo object
m6Create an M6 type extension of the Cairns-Blake-Dowd...
m7Create an M7 type extension of the Cairns-Blake-Dowd...
m8Create an M8 type extension of the Cairns-Blake-Dowd...
mrwdFit a Multivariate Random Walk with Drift
plot.bootStMoMoPlot bootstrapped parameters of a Stochastic Mortality Model
plot.fitStMoMoPlot fitted parameters from a stochastic mortality model
plot.forStMoMoPlot a forecast from a Stochastic Mortality Model
plotParameterFanPlot fanchart of the parameters
plot.resStMoMoPlot the residuals of a Stochastic Mortality Model
poissonRes2deathMap poisson deviance residuals into deaths
predict.fitStMoMoPredict method for Stochastic Mortality Models fits
predictLinkCompute the link for a given mortality models
processStartValuesProcess the initial parameter supplied by the user
residuals.fitStMoMoExtract deviance residuals of a Stochastic Mortality Model
rhCreate a Renshaw and Haberman (Lee-Carter with cohorts)...
scatterplotAPCDo a scatter plot of a matrix according to age-period-cohorts
simulate.bootStMoMoSimulate future sample paths from a Bootstrapped Stochastic...
simulate.fitStMoMoSimulate future sample paths from a Stochastic Mortality...
simulate.iarimaSimulate independent arima series
simulate.mrwdSimulate a Multivariate Random Walk with Drift
StMoMoCreate a new Stochastic Mortality Model
StMoMoDataCreate StMoMoData object from demogdata object
amvillegas/StMoMo documentation built on Nov. 7, 2019, 5:39 a.m.