
#' crasch: A package developed to accompany an introductory measurement course
#'   using Wilson (2005).
#' An organizational and analysis tool that faciliatates implemenation of the
#'   Berkeley Assessment System, following that of Wilson (2004). Provides
#'   user-friendly wrappers for Rasch model estimation (performed by either mirt
#'   or TAM). Produces nicely formatted and readable tables and graphics for
#'   with little to no R-coding experience.
#' @section Author:
#'   Amy E. Arneson (aea@berkeley.edu), Maintainer
#' @section Contributors:
#'   Mark Wilson,
#'   Rebecca Freund,
#'   David Torres Irribarra,
#'   Yukie Toyama
#' @section Citation note:
#'   Be sure to cite this package, the estimation package used (TAM or mirt),
#'   and the WrightMap package (if you use the Wright Map graphic).
#' @docType package
#' @name crasch
amyarneson/crasch documentation built on May 10, 2019, 10:29 a.m.