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The aggRviz package is used for analysis of aggregated data. Privacy concerns mean that much of the data we need to analyze is already aggregated and anonymized. Often this means it has been aggregated in different ways, and all of them are included in a dataset. In this case, and individual may show up in several rows: for example, all the males who live in California, and all of the males who own pets. This package contains several tools to take data in aggregated form, and return a tidy dataframe, where each individual datapoint lies in exactly one row.

This package includes several functions:

data - a data frame

number - the number of dimensions, default = Null = the largest number of dimensions

keep - Checks through a dataframe and a vector of features that can be kept or deleted


Returns a list of all combinations of dismensions.


`data` - a data frame

`col_2_delete = NULL` - This function filters out any row, stratified by those columns.

`col_2_keep = NULL` - This function filters out any row, stratified by those columns.

`features = NULL` - select the dimensions you want to keep or delete.


Return a data frame that filter out any unstratified rows from the other features.


`data` - a dataframe

`features` - features you selected


Create a filtered dataframe with no blanks


`data` - a dataframe

`key` - terms that key metrics includes


Return a vector of key metrics.


`path` - a folder path

`n` - the number of row you want to skip

`pattern` - what kind of files you want to read


Return a list of all datasets.

amygoldlist/aggRviz documentation built on May 16, 2019, 11:10 p.m.