Monefy Stats

App to visualize and gain additional insights into your Monefy transaction data. Click here for the hosted solution ->


Monefy Stats is a simple package to visualize Monefy transaction data over a period of time. This is an additional layer on top of existing Monefy features. Monefy android app has been of great help to me with its amazing and simple UI/UX, along with elegant abstractions. But I wish it had a few more statistics and trend plots to help me get more insights into the data. Hence this package and the Shiny App


Not yet available on cran. Can be installed using devtools



The App is hosted here and is open for anyone to use -> But, you can also install it on your system if you are paranoid about data privacy.

The package uses csv data exported by the Monefy app. I could not find any APIs to get this data directly, so please inform me if someone know about it and I can add the capability to do so.

Here is an example screenshot to get a sense of what the app looks like in action. Run the following command to get it running on your system



ananthu1834/monefystats documentation built on Oct. 6, 2020, 2:50 a.m.