maldetectr: an R package that implements site occupancy models for estimating prevelance of malaria parasites


Install devtools:

install.packages( "devtools" )

Install package:

devtools::install_github( "andersgs/maldetectr" )

Current version

Implements a zero-inflated binomial model.


Maximum likelihood estimate using a zero-inflated binomial model.

library( maldetectr )
#simulate some data
n_sites <- 30 # number of individuals tested
n_samples <- 5 # number of times each indivdual was tested
p_occupancy <- 0.2 # prevalence of malaria in population
p_detection <- 0.8 # probability of test detecting malaria given that individual
                   # has malaria
data <- maldetectr::sim_zib_data( n_sites = n_sites, 
                                  n_samples = n_samples, 
                                  p_oc = p_occupancy, 
                                  p_dt = p_detection, 
                                  seed = 42 )
ml_est <- maldetectr::get_zib_ml( data = data, 
                                          ci = 0.89 )


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andersgs/maldetectr documentation built on May 12, 2019, 2:41 a.m.