  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  out.width = "100%", 
  fig.asp = 0.7,
  fig.width = 12,
  fig.align = "center",
  cache = FALSE,
  external = FALSE

n_time     <- 5
n_id       <- 100
n_variable <- 20

df <- rbindlist(lapply(seq(1,n_id), function(i_id) {
  rbindlist(lapply(seq(1,n_variable), function(i_variable) {

    r_intercept <- rnorm(1, sd = 5)
    i_group <- i_id %% 2
    if (i_group == 1) {
      beta <- 2 + rnorm(1)
    } else {
      beta <- 3 + rnorm(1)

    temp_data <- data.table(
                  id = paste0("id_", i_id),
                  group = paste0("group_", i_group),
                  time = seq(1, n_time) - 1,
                  variable = paste0("variable_", i_variable)
    if ((i_variable %% 4) == 0) {
      temp_data[, value := r_intercept + beta * time]
    } else if ((i_variable %% 4) == 1) {
      temp_data[, value := r_intercept - beta * time]
    } else if ((i_variable %% 4) == 2) {
      temp_data[, value := r_intercept + beta * abs(time - n_time/2)]
    } else {
      temp_data[, value := r_intercept - beta * abs(time - n_time/2)]

    temp_data[, value := value + rnorm(n_time)]
    temp_data[, value := value * i_variable/2]

df[, time := paste0("t_", time)]

res <- ALASCA(
  value ~ time*group + (1|id)

res_2 <- ALASCA(
  value ~ time*group + (1|id),
  separate_effects = TRUE

Visualizations in ALASCA

We have aimed to implement a range of plotting options for ALASCA. In general, the plotting function is

plot(<object>, component = <component>, effect = <effect>, type = <type>, ...)

where <object> is your ALASCA model, <component> and <effect> the components and effects of interest, and <type> the plot type.

ALASCA can save the plots directly if you specify save = TRUE when you initialize the ALASCA model. Otherwise, the plots are returned as ordinary ggplot2 objects and can be saved with ggsave().

Note that you can specify properties of the plot during plotting, e.g. specifying palette:

plot(res, component = 1, effect = 1, type = 'effect', palette = c("red", "blue"))

The effect plot

The effect plot is the default plot showing both scores and loadings for the selected components/effects. You can select one effect and one component:

plot(res, component = 1, effect = 1, type = 'effect')

Or two components:

plot(res, component = c(1, 2), effect = 1, type = 'effect')

Or two effects (note: this requires a model with multiple effects):

plot(res_2, component = 1, effect = c(1, 2), type = 'effect')

Or even a combination of multiple components and effects:

plot(res_2, component = c(1,2), effect = c(1, 2), type = 'effect')

Plotting scores or loadings

The effect plot consists of two parts: scores and loadings. You can get those components directly:

plot(res, component = 1, effect = 1, type = 'score')

And similarly for loadings:

plot(res, component = 1, effect = 1, type = 'loading')


Some journals require plots in grayscale (or require fees for colors). You can therefore ask for grayscale figures in ALASCA:

res_3 <- ALASCA(
  value ~ time*group + (1|id),
  plot.grayscale = TRUE
plot(res_3, component = 1, effect = 1, type = 'effect')

Adapting the theme

You can specify theme etc. of the plots when you initialize the ALASCA model:

res_4 <- ALASCA(
  value ~ time*group + (1|id),
  plot.my_theme = theme_linedraw(),
  plot.palette = c("red", "blue")
plot(res_4, component = 1, effect = 1, type = 'effect')

The color palette is by default made from the viridis palette, ending at 0.8: scales::viridis_pal(end = 0.8)(2). You can of course use the colors you want;

res_5 <- ALASCA(
  value ~ time*group + (1|id),
  plot.my_theme = theme_light(),
  validate = TRUE,
  n_validation_runs = 10,
  plot.palette = scales::brewer_pal(type = "qual")(2)
plot(res_5, component = 1, effect = 1, type = 'effect')

To remove the ribbon, you can set plot.ribbon = FALSE:

res_5 <- ALASCA(
  value ~ time*group + (1|id),
  plot.my_theme = theme_light(),
  validate = TRUE,
  n_validation_runs = 10,
  plot.palette = scales::brewer_pal(type = "qual")(2),
  plot.ribbon = FALSE
plot(res_5, component = 1, effect = 1, type = 'effect')

You can also change these properties directly in the plot() function:

     component = 1,
     effect = 1,
     type = 'effect',
     ribbon = TRUE,
     palette = scales::hue_pal()(2),
     my_theme = theme_classic())

or (x_angle controls the rotation of the x axis labels, and x_h_just is used to center them horizontally)

     component = 1,
     effect = 1,
     type = 'effect',
     grayscale = TRUE,
     x_angle = 0, x_h_just= 0.5

Some even prefer to have loadings along the x axis:

     component = 1,
     effect = 1,
     type = 'effect',
     x_angle = 90, x_h_just = 1, x_v_just = 0.5,
     flip_axis= FALSE


Note: The plotting function remembers previous choices, so if you plotted component 1 in the previous plot, you have to specify which components to plot:

plot(res, component = seq(1,10), effect = 1, type = 'scree')

Predictions / Marginal means

By default, only some variables are selected based on their loadings:

plot(res, component = 1, effect = 1, type = 'prediction')

You can ask for specific variables:

plot(res, component = 1, effect = 1, type = 'prediction', variable = c("variable_8", "variable_13", "variable_15"))

Or adjust the number of retrieved variables (note that we have to set variable = c() for the plot function to forget the previous setting):

plot(res, component = 1, effect = 1, type = 'prediction', n_limit = 4, variable = c())


Visualize the distribution of the bootstrap runs:

res_6 <- ALASCA(
  value ~ time*group + (1|id),
  validate = TRUE,
  n_validation_runs = 100
plot(res_6, component = 1, effect = 1, type = 'histogram', n_bins = 30)

andjar/ALASCA documentation built on March 2, 2024, 12:55 p.m.