Man pages for andreas50/uts
Unevenly-spaced Time Series to a Data Frame
as.fts.utsCoercion to fts
as.irts.utsCoercion to irts
as.utsCoercion to uts
as.xts.utsCoercion to xts
as.zoo.utsCoercion to zoo
binary_OpsBinary Ops Groups Methods
compatabilityCompatability with ts class
diff_tRolling Differences
diff.utsLagged Differences
ex_utsExample Time Series
firstFirst Observation Value
head_tInitial Subperiod
head.utsReturn the First or Last Part
is.finiteFinite, Infinite and NaN Observation Values Available / Missing Observation Values
lag_tLag Observation Times
lag.utsLag Observation Values
lastLast Observation Value
length_tTemporal Length
length.utsNumber of Observations
Math.utsMath Group Methods for uts
mean.utsMean, Median, and Standard Deviation of Observation Values
merge.utsMerge two or more uts
na.omit.utsRemove NA Observation Values
num_leq_sortedLess-Than-Or-Equal Comparison of Sorted Vectors
num_leq_sorted_RR implementation of num_leq_sorted
num_less_sortedLess-Than Comparison of Sorted Vectors
Ops_utsOps Group Methods Helper
Ops.uts_virtualOps Group Methods
plot.utsPlot a uts
print.utsPrint Observation Times and Values
sample_valuesSample Values
sdGeneric sd function
sorted_unionSorted Union
sorted_union_RR implementation of sorted_union
split_segmentsSplit Into Segments
start.utsFirst and Last Observation Time
str.utsInternal Structure of uts
sub-.utsExtract or Replace Parts of a uts
Summary.utsSummary of Time Series Values
tail_tTerminal Subperiod
time.utsObservation Times
utsUnevenly-spaced Time Series
uts-internalInternal Functions
whichGeneric which function
which.maxGeneric which.max function
which.max.utsWhich Observation Time has the largest/smallest Observation...
which.minGeneric which.min function
which.utsFor which Observation Times are Observation Values TRUE?
window.utsTime Window
andreas50/uts documentation built on April 8, 2021, 10:03 a.m.