
Documentation for working on the package

Package organization

Folder structure

Functions/files in the R folder

The main functions that are exposed to a user are the following:

The following are helper functions that are used internally but not exposed to the user:

Information for package development

To work on package (through RStudio):

Dependency packages

All libraries/packages needed to allow the package to run should be loaded via the DESCRIPTION file and not in separate R files. See that file for dependencies.

Additional packages are needed for development (but not use) of the package. Those are listed in the suggests section of the DESCRIPTION file.

Package logo

According to pkgdown, logo should be includes as described here:

To update R documentation and vignette

To build the package

To-do for CRAN release


andreashandel/modeldiagram documentation built on July 31, 2023, 10:05 a.m.