Man pages for andreaspano/rcoc
R Clash of Clans interface

dot-memberReturns info about the ith member of the clan
exportexport S3 generic method
export.clanexport method for objects of class clan. save a clan object...
infoinfo S3 generic method
info.clanInfo method for objects of class clan. Returns a tibble of...
load_clanload clan data
memberinfo S3 generic method
member.clanMember method for objects of class clan. Returns a tibble of...
repashreplace # with repash(x) \itemxcharacter replace # with...
tagtag S3 generic method
tag.clantag method for objects of class clan. Returns the tag a clan
tokenload a token file
andreaspano/rcoc documentation built on Dec. 1, 2019, 7:36 a.m.