The logic behind ENMTML

We structured ENMTML as a single function with multiple arguments, which, once filled, require a single Ctrl+R to fit, project, evaluate models and present them to users in a clear and simple way.

The main function (ENMTML) has several arguments, which user's need to specify according to their modeling needs.

As we know this is not an simple task, we indicate the papers which proposed those methods in our paper. Coupled with a better (but brief) explanation on those.

How to run?

       proj_dir = NULL, 
       result_dir = NULL,
       min_occ = 10,
       thin_occ = NULL, 
       eval_occ = NULL, 
       colin_var = NULL,
       imp_var = FALSE, 
       sp_accessible_area = NULL, 
       pres_abs_ratio = 1, 
       part, save_part = FALSE, 
       save_final = TRUE,
       msdm = NULL, 
       ensemble = NULL,
       extrapolation = FALSE, 
       cores = 1)

See possible input options below

Function Arguments

In the case of use more than one threshold type it is necessary concatenate the names of threshold types, e.g., thr=c(type=c('LPT', 'MAX_TSS', 'JACCARD')). When SENSITIVITY threshold is used in combination with other it is necessary specify the desired sensitivity value, e.g., thr=c(type=c('LPT', 'MAX_TSS', 'SENSITIVITY'), sens='0.8').

a Priori methods (layer created area added as a predictor at moment of model fitting): + XY: Create two layers latitude and longitude layer. Usage
msdm=c(method='XY'). + MIN: Create a layer with information of the distance from each cell to the closest occurrence. Usage
msdm=c(method='MIN'). + CML: Create a layer with information of the summed distance from each cell to all occurrences. Usage
msdm=c(method='CML'). + KER: Create a layer with a Gaussian-Kernel on the occurrence data. Usage

a Posteriori methods: + OBR: Occurrence based restriction, uses the distance between points to exclude far suitable patches (Mendes et al., in prep). Usage
msdm=c(method='OBR'). + LR: Lower Quantile, select the nearest 25\% patches (Mendes et al., in prep). Usage
msdm=c(method='LR'). + PRES: Select only the patches with confirmed occurrence data (Mendes et al, in prep). Usage
msdm=c(method='PRES'). + MCP: Excludes suitable cells outside the Minimum Convex Polygon (MCP) built based on occurrences data. Usage
msdm=c(method='MCP'). + MCP-B: Creates a buffer (with a width size defined by user in km) around the MCP. Usage
msdm=c(method='MCP-B', width=100). In this case width=100 means that a buffer with 100km of width will be created around the MCP.

In the case of use more than one ensemble method it is necessary concatenate the names of ensemble methods within the argument, e.g., ensemble=c(method=c('MEAN', 'PCA')), ensemble=c(method=c('MEAN, 'W_MEAN', 'PCA_SUP'), metric='Fpb').

What are my results?

Within the result_dir folder you will find several sub-folders: Algorithm, Ensemble(decision-based), Projection(decision-based), Extrapolation(decision-based), BLOCK(decision-based), Extent Masks(decision-based).

There are also some .txt files (some txt will only be created under ceratin modeling settings):
Evaluation_Table.txt Contains the results for model evaluation, with several metrics
InfoModeling.txt Information of the chosen modeling parameters
Number_Unique_Occurrences.txt Number of unique occurrences for each species
Occurrences_Cleaned.txt Dataset produced after selecting a single occurrence per grid-cell(unique occurrences)
Occurrences_Filtered.txt Datasets produced after occurrences were corrected for sampling spatial bias (thinned occurrences)
Thresholds_Algorithm.txt Information about the thresholds used to create the presence-absence maps for each algorithm (Presence-absence maps are created from the Threshold of complete models)
Thresholds_Ensemble.txt Information about the thresholds used to create the presence-absence maps for ensembled models
Moran_&_Mess Contains information about autocorrelation and environmental similatiry between the datasets used to fit and evaluate the model


Andrade, A.F.A., Velazco, S.J.E., De Marco Jr, P., 2020. ENMTML: An R package for a straightforward construction of complex ecological niche models. Environmental Modelling & Software 125, 104615.

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andrefaa/ENM_TheMetaLand documentation built on Nov. 15, 2023, 10:19 a.m.