Man pages for andremenegatti/cagedExplorer
Tools for Importing and Analyzing Data from CAGED

add_12month_periodsAdds a column that classifies observations into 12-month...
add_geometry_municipiosAdds a geometry column to dataframe with municipality-level...
add_geometry_regioes_admAdds a geometry column to dataframe with region-level data
add_geometry_regioes_govAdds a geometry column to dataframe with region-level data
barplot_12monthsBarplot showing the evolution of job creation through...
barplot_monthlyBarplot showing the monthly evolution of job creation
blues_fullSet of blue HEX codes
clean_textReturns string in upper-case without accents, tildes and...
cnae_classesLookup table of CNAE classes codes and names
compute_job_creationComputes job creation, job loss and net job creation
criar_tabela_estadoCreate a summary table for the State of Sao Paulo
criar_tabela_municipioCreates summary table for a given city
criar_tabela_regiao_admCreate a summary table for a given Admnistrative Region
custom_themeCustom 'ggplot2' theme settings
decode_variablesDecodes numeric-encoded categoric variables from CAGED...
drop_codesDrops columns containing numeric-encoded categoric variables
faixa_tamanho_estabLookup table of codes and labels of company sizes
find_cnae_highlightsReturns a dataframe with job creation data on highlighted...
format_numberHelper function to adjust number formatting
get_breaksReturns custom break points for plots
get_ibge_sectorReturns IBGE's 5 'big sectors' from numeric vector of IBGE'...
get_paletteReturns a custom 'RdBu' color palette
grau_instrucaoLookup table of education levels codes and labels
group_by_breaksClassify elements from a vector into groups, according to...
helloHello, World!
join_municipios_spAdds municipality-level data to a dataframe containing CAGED...
map_regions_divergentPlots divergent-scale map of Sao Paulo's Government Regions
map_regions_sequentialPlots a sequential-scale map of Sao Paulo's Government...
mesesLookup table of month abbreviations in Portuguese
municipios_spDataframe with information regarding cities belongin to the...
polygons_municipios_sp'sf' dataframe with geospatial data on cities from the State...
polygons_regioes_gov_sp'sf' dataframe with geospatial data on regions from the State...
prepare_cagedPrepares CAGED micro-data to data analysis focused on the...
raca_corLookup table of race/color codes and labels
read_cagedReads CAGED data from txt file
read_caged_rdsReads one or multiple .rds files with preprocessed CAGED data
reds_fullSet of red HEX codes
subsetor_ibgeLookup table of IBGE's subsectors of economic activities
tipo_deficienciaLookup table of disability types
tipo_mov_desagLookup table of admission/termination categories
ufLookup table of Brazilian Federative Units (UFs) codes and...
andremenegatti/cagedExplorer documentation built on July 1, 2020, 1:25 a.m.