Man pages for andrew-MET/harpIO
IO functions and data wrangling for harp

accumulateCompute accumulation between forecast lead times
as_harp_parameterCreate a harp parameter
bind_fcstBind deterministic forecasts into a single data frame
fa_optsSet options for FA decoding
file_parameter_definitionsMake a parameter definition list for a file format
generate_filenamesGenerate filenames from a template and arguments
geofield_to_rasterConvert a Geofield to a Raster
get_fa_param_infoFA parameter names
get_filenamesGet filename(s) for meteorological data
grib_optsSet options for grib files
harpIO-packageharpIO: IO functions and data wrangling for harp
harp_paramsParameter definitions
interpolate_optsGenerate Transformation Options
modify_optsModify an options list
msubMultiple pattern matching and replacement
netcdf_optsSet Options for Reading NetCDF files
parameter_definitionsParameter definitions for reading from files
parse_harp_parameterParse the parameter name and decide on level, accumulation...
pipePipe operator
read_analysisRead analysis data from multiple files
read_det_interpolateRead deterministic forecast files and interpolate to...
read_eps_interpolateRead ensemble forecast files and interpolate to stations.
read_forecastRead forecast data from multiple files
read_gridRead gridded data in various formats
read_obsRead point observations from multiple files
read_obs_convertRead observations and output to sqlite OBSTABLE file(s)
read_obs_fileRead an observations file
read_point_forecastRead point forecasts from FCTABLE files
read_point_obsRead point observations from OBSTABLE files
rh2tdewStandard Magnus formula for dewpoint temperature
save_point_verifSave verification data
seq_datesGenerate a sequence of dates
show_file_templatesShow built in file templates
sqlite_optsOptions for Writing SQLite files
str_datetime_to_unixtimeConvert a date-time string to unix time
td_from_q_and_pCompute dewpoint temperature from specific humidity and...
unix2datetimeConvert unix time to date type
unixtime_to_str_datetimeConvert unix time to a date-time string
vfile_optsGenerate options for vfld and vobs files
YMDConvert date type to YYYYMMDD string
YMDhConvert date type to YYYYMMDDHH string
YMDhmConvert date type to YYYYMMDDHHmm string
YMDhmsConvert date type to YYYYMMDDHHmm string
andrew-MET/harpIO documentation built on March 7, 2024, 7:48 p.m.