Man pages for andrew-MET/harpVis
Visualisation functions for harp.

colour_choicesShiny module for picking colours
coord_geoCo-ordinates for geofield geoms
dashboard_point_verifShiny module for point verification dashboard
download_verif_plotDownload module for point verification plots in a Shiny app
geom_geocontour2d contours of a geofield
geom_georaster2d image of a geofield
geom_linesplineConnect control points/observations with an X-spline
geom_ribbonsplineConnect control points/observations with an X-spline
get_mapGet map data for a given geodomain
group_selectorsShiny module for selecting values for verification groups
harpVis-ggprotoGeom Proto
harpVis-packageharpVis: Visualisation functions for harp.
interactive_point_verifShiny module for interactively showing point verification...
options_barModule for reading harp verification files in a Shiny app
pipePipe operator
plot_fieldPlot a harp_fcst 2d field
plot_point_verifPlot verification scores
plot_profile_verifPlot verification scores for vertical profiles
plot_scatterScatter plot of forecast vs observations
plot_scorecardPlot a scorecard from bootstrapped verification
plot_spatial_fssPlot FSS scores
plot_spatial_linePlot "basic" scores that have only one value column such as...
plot_spatial_nactPlot scores from neighborhood based contingency tables based...
plot_spatial_salPlot SAL scores
plot_spatial_verifPlot spatial verification scores
plot_station_epsPlot eps data for a station
plot_station_tsPlot a time series for point data
plot_vertical_profilePlot a vertical profile
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
score_lookupConvert a score from a long name to a short name, or vice...
shiny_plot_point_verifStart shiny app to plot point verification
shiny_plot_spatial_verifStart shiny app to plot spatial verification
spatial_plot_funcPick appropriate functions for spatial scores
time_axisShiny server for selecting time axis
time_axisUIShiny UI for selecting time axis
verif_data_detDeterministic verification scores example data.
verif_data_ensEnsemble verification scores example data.
verif_data_grpGrouped verification scores example data
verif_data_prfDeterministic verification scores for vertical profile...
andrew-MET/harpVis documentation built on March 11, 2024, 9:34 a.m.